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What gear do you carry?


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regulator duster





rad away

med x

rad x



food sanitizer

(lots of other things i pick up)



xuanlong assault rifle

alien blater

terrible shotgun

burnmaster(i like setting things on fire)


lincolns repeater

victory rifle

frag grenades(always end up with about 50 of em)

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i dont think it matter to much


you need a long range weapon a handgun , shotgun and stims ,rad away ect


i use everthing

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I use all the weapons from Alexscorpions Sniper Gear mod and the J-Tec Military laser PDW MKI from the JaySuS Mixed Toys For Adults Vol1 mod, the aid part don't matter since I use a cheat trainer when playing!..
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First of all, I am not far into the game because I have a few mods running such as:


Wasteland surival

Scarcer food and ammunition (home made,,basically scarcens that up, lowers initial weapon condition and makes food more radioactive along with the two other mods it is hell)

Deadly radiation


and apart from that I am on high difficulty, my character resembles mercenary scar from stalker cs and is raider race, he is equipped with:



Regulator duster


Combat knife



10mm x 2 magazines


Stimpacks x 2

Cannibalism perk (doesn´t heal, just removes hunger and loses karma)





LVL 9, stuck in a ghoul infested building.

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Depending on how I play in a particular game, but usually I carry:


Chineese asault rifle - has more power than the regular assault riffle.

Combat shotgun - the Terrible shotgun when I find it and keep it repaired.


If I go energy weapons on my skills, I prefer the basic laser rifle, even though the plasma rifle does more damage, the basic one seems to be more fun to use.


If I do more more skill points on the big guns, I like the mini gun, a lot of ammo can be found for this one.


I always keep frag grenades.




Usually the leather armor, or the troublemaker armor, I just like the way they look. The metal armor looks pretty tough too. If I need added protection, I'll take any one of the heavy armor suits I've take off a dead enemy, like an enclave soldier.


I store my looted stuff until I get ready to go dealing, at which point I store all of my regular weapon, clothing, in my undies and carry all I can load myself and my followers down with, and it's off to market. If you get the nerd rage perk, you can carry even more stuff at this time if you let your health drop down below 20%.

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A3-21's Plasma Rifle (regular weapon)

Heavy Incinerator (when i wanna set the poor bast*rd on fire)

victory rifle

Occam's Razor(when the sucker starts running away)



hellfire power armor

CRI targeter (from the "CRI Squad")





med x

rad x




bobby pins

luck 8 ball



every bullet that i can find...


sometimes i keep other stuff with me...usually the weight is 80-95

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Enclave Hellfire Armor

Enclave Hellfire Helmet



About 5 supersledges (one for use, rest for on the spot repairs)

Occams Razor (it has to be dramatic)

Tesla Coil (nobody is perfect)






1 or 2 stealthboys



Food Sanitizer

however many caps i have.

Bobby pins


I got a ton of caps throughout the game with this strategy, because i could hold 250 pounds of junk.

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I don't think I carry very much, I find that what I do carry gets the job done for any situation. It is mainly equipment from mods. All in all, my carry weight is only 124, at least until the loot starts piling up in my inventory.



-Legion of the Damned Veteran Armor (Space Marine Power Armor/Personalized with GECK)

-Targeting System (Personalized with GECK)

-Roving Trader Hat




-Scoped Boltgun

-Plasma Pistol (WH40k weapon version)

-The Incinerator (Custom Flamer personalized in GECK)

-Frag Grenades

-Frag Mines

-Plasma Grenades

-Plasma Mines

-Pulse Grenades

-Pulse Mines








-Timebomb's Lucky 8-ball

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For my latest toon I am a sneaky energy weapons saint who is also great with explosives (because I REALLY love explosions)



Chinese Stealth Suit

Enclave Officer uniform (casual wear)



A3-21's Rifle (SC, EC, LS)

Plasma Pistol (AF, EC, LS) - its like an SMG

SVD - because it looks and sounds badass

Guass Rifle

Frag Grenade x10

Frag Mine x15 - for pants explode!

Plasma Grenade x5

Plasma Mine x5

Pulse Grenade x10

Nuke-Nade x5

Bottlecap Mine x15

and a Trench Knife - because you never know....


Beyond that I carry plenty of drugs and yao guai meat - for when I feel less stealthy or when Paladin Cross is feeling lucky... crazy wh@re.

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