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Learn enchantment effect with script


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Hey guys

I'm wondering if I can make it so that the player can purchase enchantment effects from an npc in the same way you purchase spell books that teach you spells. I envision that what you would buy would be a note that when read teaches the enchantment effect and deletes the note.


Is it possible to achieve this?



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  • 3 years later...

The only way i see that possible is to put together a script that targets the echantments your player can learn. I've been curious about something similiar to that. But using a activator to pull up a menu with each enchantment with a gold cost.Closest i've got to this is manually finding each editor id for the echanted items. and putting them into one gigantic script.

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You learn enchantments by disenchanting things.


So, your requirement could be done by a esp file with dialog in which you talk to the vendor, and buy an cheap, example item, with the correct enchantment, to later disenchant, to learn the skill.


So, if a powerful flaming sword enchant is what you want to learn, just make a cheap iron sword, with the enchant, and have the dialog cause the vender to "Demonstrate" the art of making the enchantment, and then give / sell the item to the player.


I don't think you'd even need scripts to accomplish this, it can all be done with the existing game vendor and dialog support.

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