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Paid for Premium to get dialup speeds. WTF?


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Currently downloading a 700Mb FO4 mod and it isn't even hitting 100Kb/s and this is NOT the first time. I've downloaded a number of 1+gig files at the same speed but then files that are less than 300Mb are downloading at my top speed which is 5-6Mb/s. Speedtest tells me I'm getting my full speed, even during this peak hour time in Australia but the time makes no difference anyway because it has happened at 2am as well. Is Nexus throttling large files, or what? I paid for premium membership to get downloads quicker but the way things are going I won't be renewing next month.

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Sorry to hear that. Have you tried the troubleshooting pinned in this forum? https://help.nexusmods.com/article/92-im-having-download-issues-what-can-i-do


We need that information to further assist you.

No, you really don't. The 700Mb file is still downloading but in the meantime I downloaded two more files from NexusMods: one is 103mb, the other is 234Mb, and they were both done in a matter of seconds. If there was an issue with anything at my end then those two files would also still be downloading. There is most definitely an issue at your end, and it involves files over a certain size.



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If it's one specific file, I'd recommend starting the download from a different server (the choice is on the right side of the pop-up box when starting a download). I'm afraid I can't give you much advice without the test results though.


Files over 500MB are served from a different server network than smaller ones, so doing the tests will show us the connection to all available servers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Same issue, US East Coast, paid for premium, have a fiber connection getting over 1Gbps on fast.com, speedtest, etc., but can't get higher than 5Mbps here either via mod manager or via browser. That the default support response is apparently "follow this guide to doing our legwork for us, so we can either blame a third party and absolve ourselves, or shrug" is pretty goofy.

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Same issue, US East Coast, paid for premium, have a fiber connection getting over 1Gbps on fast.com, speedtest, etc., but can't get higher than 5Mbps here either via mod manager or via browser. That the default support response is apparently "follow this guide to doing our legwork for us, so we can either blame a third party and absolve ourselves, or shrug" is pretty goofy.

Please see the pinned post for troubleshooting advice and start your own thread. Thanks.

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