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[Script] Hair Menu


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I have never been able to get that to work properly either...

Are you saying the actor must be 'sitting' in furniture with "animFurnBarberChair" keyword?


oh - I can see the subgraph entry - makes sense.


What about the 'full' showracemenu (uimode = 1)? - never seems to work properly for NPC's. Do I need them to 'sit' at furniture too?

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Does anyone know what the command for opening up the "Hair Menu" is?


I thought it's

Game.showracemenu (uimode = 2)

, but no


The trick is to call Game.ShowRaceMenu(UIMode = 2) while you're sitting in a furniture. See events Actor.OnSit and Actor.OnGetUp in the HaircutScript.


No via a MagicEffect


As long as you're sitting in a furniture, that should be good too.


Mmmm - @LarannKiar, by chargen did you actually mean the chargen skeleton (actor.SetHasCharGenSkeleton)?

I never did understand this....


No I mistyped it.. I meant FaceGen furnitures like FaceGenBarberChair and NPCSinkFacegenMarker. Game.ShowRaceMenu() seems to be working only if the Player is sitting in a furniture.


CGF "Game.ShowRaceMenu" 2 (Console) works without a furniture though..



As for SetHasCharGenSkeleton, I don't know too much about it either...


As far as I know, it flags that the actor is currently in editor mode, re-initializes the actor's animation graph and turnes off hair physics. (CharGen Skeleton doesn't seem to be an actual skeleton).


SetHasCharGenSkeleton(False) also re-initializes the actor's animation graph and it turnes hair physics back on.


I'm sure it calls other hardcoded actor related functions though..

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About what I had thought (based on the limited documentation) - thanks LarannKiar.


Any idea why Game.showracemenu (ObjectReference akMenuTarget = someNPC, uimode = 1) doesn't work on NPC's? (camera wrong, no looks menus, game stuck, etc)

Do I have to do special things before and after it for NPC's?

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Finally got showracemenu(npc,1) to go for an NPC (needed them to have "playerkeyword" and be 'sitting' at a "NPCSinkFacegenMarker" instance - as well as the rest of the chargen stuff).

Now trying to figure out why the looksmenu overlay does not come up the first time you try it (per game start)...

Will put this as a new question and stop hijacking your post - sorry Zorkaz.

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