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Body and face scars, Pleeeeease!


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Could someone pleeeeeaaase make scars for the body and face? Big ones that would show all the battles our characters have fought in Oblivion. Axes, swords, hatchets, daggers and arrows have got to leave some interesting designs on one's body and face. And burns, too. I've definitely been burnt a few times. Oh and maybe a finger missing. Hahaha. This could be fun. I wish I knew how to mod. I could really get carried away with this.

Cool scars too, the ones that bubble up a little plus the smoothe shiny ones would be awesome. For guys and gals, of course. Please, please, please?





PS Oh and bruising too would be super cool.

I don't know if this is already a mod. Guess I should have looked before posting. If you know of mods like this already out there, please let me know where. Thanks again.

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There is a mod somewhere that adds scars as the age slider in moved, but for the life of me, I can't remember what it's called.
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Djangos Unique Features is what you're looking for:



What stops me about Djangos is that it's not a mod, it simply replaces stuff in your folders. So if you don't back them up, you can't get rid of them without a reinstall. The OP should keep this in mind if they have glamour mods, and the sight of thier goth bretons with acne is annoying after the first one.

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That link is cool, thanks. Is there also some scars for the body? I really wish I knew how to mod.

Somebody would have to make the scarred people into a whole new race? I didn't know that. I thought you could cosmetically put it on the character,

like the wig mod. But that's cool, a race with some awesome scars on their face and bodies would be great. I was going to try modding it but if it requires a whole

new race... I don't think I'm ready for that. At this point I'm proud of myself just for being able to move an object through the TES in the game. So, creating a whole new

race would be difficult for me. :blink:

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