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Collect aid, go to war, then flop


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alright so, I was playing through the game, like normal, focusing on the main quest with my warrior character, having hack'n'slash fun all the way. I bull rush my way through obliviuon gates with the greatest of ease because I've learned all the attack patterns of the daedra through several plays, and I'm OWNING THEM. I talk to martin, and he says that he wants to help fight, and to meet him in the chapel with the countess. okay. so I bring her there, and Martin is nowhere to be found. brilliantly, I talk to her and say, "let's go to war!" as we have a full regimen from every city across cyrodiil. I know Martin was supposed to be in the chapel. but he wasn't there. We were supposed to walk together through throngs of cheering soldiers. but he wasn't there. and when I arrive at the battlefield he's supposed to give a grand speech. WHERE THE HELL IS HE?!


can anybody help with this? I'm pretty sure it's a bug


Also, it just occured to me that the first paragraph may have come across as a bit angry. this has good reason. namely fifteen minutes of waiting on the field of battle with soldiers standing there like deer in the headlights and no Daedra to fight

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You may have to go back to a saved game, prior to the walk down the mountain from Cloud Ruler Temple with Martin.


Like many other NPCs in quests, if you get too far ahead of Martin on your way down to Burma, he will patiently stop and wait for your return.


You can try looking for him now, but I suspect the effort will be fruitless, as you have already completed another stage of the quest.


Storm Raven



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You may have to go back to a saved game, prior to the walk down the mountain from Cloud Ruler Temple with Martin.


Like many other NPCs in quests, if you get too far ahead of Martin on your way down to Burma, he will patiently stop and wait for your return.


You can try looking for him now, but I suspect the effort will be fruitless, as you have already completed another stage of the quest.


Storm Raven




In this case, using the console is sheer brilliance.


If you google, in this case "UESP Wiki Martin", you'll get the Oblivion wiki sheet on Martin with his Base ID and Ref ID.


You want to use the Player.moveto command and I believe it's the Ref ID (on this I may be confused so someone might correct me, but it's either Ref ID or base ID--I think it's Ref ID), so the command will look like this:


player.moveto 0001E746




That should safely move your Player Character to Martin's location and you can move on from there.



CAUTION: You DO NOT want to substitute the PlaceAtMe command here. In fact, I advise against using the PlaceAtMe command at all to guard your game against bloat.

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I looked for him everywhere in bruma, cloud ruler, in between, and between there and the battlefield. then I got mad again and started a completely new character, as I didn't have a save file from before I took the quest




So, now, I've decided to do KotN instead, as that's what I would have done after the main questline. Everything should be fine now. thanks for all your suggestions everybody - I just wish I would have gotten them sooner, As I deleted that old character to make way for the new one.

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