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Absorb Health (Like morrowind)


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I've checked both Planet elder scrolls and the Nexus for this, and have not been able to find a single mod that does this to my liking.


One major feature I miss from morrowind is the ability to make Absorb health on target spells. Now, I use Supreme Magicka update, so I'd probably have to run any such changes by the author of that and simply pray for a solution that may not come, But I suppose the value of a mod like this would be enough to get me to pay for it, if I had the money. This actually bugs me enough that I'm looking for my copy of Morrowind's game of the year edition right now.


I'm interested in having a spell effect that can be used on the spellmaking menu, functionally the exact same thing as the normal Absorb health, but moved to mysticism and with the ability to configure it for on target use.


Of course, it would be less work to simply point me towards an easy to understand construction set tutorial on how to modify spell effects, but where's the fun in that?



I'm going to check to see what the changes to absorb health spells are in Supreme Magicka update before I personally use such a tweak.

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The built-in function of "absorb" is locked by Bethesda to only work on Touch. You cannot change any settings in the CS to make it work on target. The visual that goes along with it is also hard-coded in the engine, and is not a separate nif-file like other magic visuals.


The only changes that can be made to the "absorb" effects are the icons and the spell school, which I'm changing to mysticism in an upcoming mod.


As for a targeted spell... that requires scripting, and I have yet to hear of or find a way to make scripted spells that can be created in the spell menu.

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I just broke down and grabbed the construction set myself, took a quick look...


Yeah, the check boxes for absorb health were all stuck there. Bethesda did that for no explainable reason, I guess.


Pisses me off something fierce. They were so determined to make you play the game as a melee character that they completely destroyed the magic system and made it impossible to do spellmaking until you beat an extremely buggy and low priority quest line that seems drawn out and just meant to bug you into making a different character. The only beings in the game that can cast a decent spell normally are NPC Dremora.



However, If I had the scripting knowlege and knew how to launch the construction set with OBSE, I'd gladly redo absorb effects by hand and present them to the the person currently updating supreme Magicka's OBSE version.


I might want to take a crash course in this stuff, just because I can't find my morrowind disks and/or am too damn stubborn to quit.




Current idea on implementation:


*spell is Casted. thinking of using damage health effect for the initial bolt (though it might be better to make it invisible, transparent, or refractive for effect) and a red or green "life stream" effect for the tracer coming back. (in morrowind both of these were purple, if memory serves. red gives the image of life essence, blood, or power. Need VFX work on this. If it cannot be done this will be dropped)


*Spell effect hits target, magnitude is checked. magnitude=damage done to target by script (ideal conditions, magic resistance not accounted for until I check formula for removing a percentage of a number from itself)


*Target takes this as a hostile action. If the player is using Supreme Magicka update then this may be eligable for magic sneak attack bonuses if the target did not see the caster. depends on how this is implemented.


*health of caster checked against damage done to target. caster healed to max health, difference between magnitude (m) and max health (h) given as fortify health bonus for duration listed in spell (m-h, if greater than zero)


*when the duration expires, the fortify health effect removes itself, and the restored health stays.


*if this ends up being a single scripted spell rather than a spell effect that one can use at the spellmaking altar, then before damage is applied a false magnitude value is given based on Player Character Mysticism skill, willpower, and luck, in that order. fortify health effect is hardcoded at six seconds, which gives enough time for the player to cast another spell.

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If this is so important that recovering health by normal means is unthinkable, a fake effect could be easily implemented... just target.modav health -x player.modav health x ... do all the needed make up, use some spell animation if you will, make it hostile or not... be happy.


PS edit: probably beth saw how cheap it was in Morrowind and did try to avoid the same on Oblivion.

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The next module in my mod will include targeted "life steal" effects, but you won't be able to alter them at the spell making altar.


I'm still working on a proper visual effect, since I'm not sure how to do a connecting bolt that follows both targets.

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