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Our new president (Obama)


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My opinion of President Obama... well, let me tell you about politics and the U.S. Military.


UCMJ Article 88, one of the Punitive Articles of the UCMJ (meaning, you can get punished for violating it). Article 88 covers Contempt Toward Officials, and only applies to commissioned officers, making it punishable by up to one year imprisonment for “Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.”


Sometime back in 2005, one of my former commanders, Maj. General Paul D. Eaton (ret.) was one of the former generals who spoke out against Donald Rumsfeld, offering astute opinions as to why he should resign. I kinda' wondered why he hadn't spoken out about it sooner, but understanding Article 88, I see why.


A pity... Paul Eaton was probably the best damned officer I ever had the good fortune to serve under.


Anyhow, while Article 88 doesn't apply to Enlisted personnel, we get the exact same coverage under DOD Directive 1344.10 which basically states the same restrictions. While I couldn't be prosecuted under Article 88 for blogging (just as an example) "George Bush is a f***ing idiot," I could instead be prosecuted under Article 92 - Disobeying a Direct Order or Regulation. Thus, I have to keep almost all of my political opinions to myself.

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I don't think Obama could ever be as bad as Bush, but although he has good intentions it seems he doesn't really understand the nature of things, and how other people might interpret what he says. I'd wager Iran turned down his offer to renew diplomatic ties because he said they had a right to be a nation, and that if they accepted then America would administer that right.


Oh, and just how loud does Michele Obama have to shout about herself? Does she think she's actually attractive, or just the new Eleanor Roosevelt?

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Before I say anything else I want to say something to YOU, Humanbean234 and ALL your brothers and sisters in arms.

Politics and bad command decisions aside, the way you have handled youselves as individuals on the ground in Iraq and Afganistan have restored my pride in America. You have shown that the miltary might of our country is in your strength of character, not armaments. Well okay, the arms are pretty cool but you know what I mean. I wish that you could understand exactly how much this means to me. Honestly, I can not write this without tears welling in my eyes.


A friend of mine who doesn't follow politics (I don't think he even watches TV) asked me about our new president.

The best short answer I could come up with was," He's so good he could be the antichrist".

I was only half kidding.

I voted for the guy.

I have a lot of faith in him and nothing I have seen so far has made me think my trust is missplaced.

It's nice to see someone willing to face REALITY.

It's a relief to have a Prez that doesn't speak in sound bites.

My God, a 7minute answer?

And none of it is doubletalk.

He makes me actually interested in whats happening.

I haven't watched this much news coverage since the Iraq invasion.

Actually I don't usually watch the news at all.

Unless you count the Daily Show and the Colbert Report.

Nobody can deny the absolute mountain of poo that he has to deal with.

He is finally manning up and doing his best to correct DECADES of neglect.

Americas foundation has crumbled almost beyond repair and as much as I'd like to blame it all on W I can't.

It goes way beyond him. We've been living in denial since the 70's.

I blame the right for being greedy self serving bastards and the left for being spineless self serving bastards.

But I digress.

Obama is probably the best thing to happen to this country in a century or more.

He may not be able to fix all these problems but at least he is recognizing that we have problems and forcing US (both as a nation and individuals) to lead, follow or get the hell out of the way.

Obama is truly a leader. It's not nearly as important for us to believe this as it is for the rest of the world to belive it.

You can't very well be a leader if no one is following where you go. That just makes you very much alone.

Whether we like it or not, America is THE world leader. I am not saying we are the best, just that we are driving the bus.

And if anybody is not going to get on board, you better have an umbrella cuz theres a heavy rain comin.

Obama will make mistakes. He is only human (I hope).

But at least he is not the 8 year long mistake that W was.

The only solace I found in HIS administration was Cheney.

I mean serriously, who would you rather have running the Empire?

Darth %&$! or Jar Jar Bush?

If I had to listen to that moron say NUCULAR one more time, I'd snap.

So, greetings to everyone.

This is my introduction to this side of the Nexus.

I have a couple mods on that side of the Nexus.

I'm a regular over at BGSF, screen name Grimstad.

Mostly in the FO3 section.



Oh, and just how loud does Michele Obama have to shout about herself? Does she think she's actually attractive, or just the new Eleanor Roosevelt?

What the hell is up with that?

It's not her doing the shouting.

It's everyone else.

And she may not do any thing for you, she is an attractive woman.

She's definitely no E.R.

I'd do her (no disrespect intended).

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It's not her doing the shouting. It's everyone else


Maybe in America it's everyone else doing the shouting, but here in the United Kingdom it definately isn't. I'm glad that the English are getting the storm, and not us, but still, she's on Gaelic television every day of the week, or was, at least, visiting some school or shaking some old mayor's hand...it's definately her doing the shouting, all right.

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Obama is probably the best thing to happen to this country in a century or more.

He may not be able to fix all these problems but at least he is recognizing that we have problems and forcing US (both as a nation and individuals) to lead, follow or get the hell out of the way.

Obama is truly a leader. It's not nearly as important for us to believe this as it is for the rest of the world to belive it.

You can't very well be a leader if no one is following where you go. That just makes you very much alone.

Whether we like it or not, America is THE world leader. I am not saying we are the best, just that we are driving the bus.

And if anybody is not going to get on board, you better have an umbrella cuz theres a heavy rain comin.

Obama will make mistakes. He is only human (I hope).

If this is so, then why did Mr. Obama apologize for the mistakes of America, and beg for the forgiveness of Europe? I'll even quote him for you:


"In America, there's a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world, Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive."


Tell me, does the leader of the world's only megapower go and belittle his own country in an attempt to win the favor of European countries?


I see that as a person failing to lead.

As a person unable to lead.

As a person wanting to be led.

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I understand how you can see it that way.

Personally, I have absolutely no problem admitting I made a mistake.

We have been arrogant and dismissive and derisive.

This is AMERICA damn it.

Nobody else says it like that (the USSR used to).

We've been rubbing their noses in it since WW2.

It kind of hurts to admit you made an ass of yourself but in the long run it can only help.

Do you really think that in this world community, we did anything but move up a notch when he said that?

I've done enough team leadership to understand that no ones gonna do a good job if you treat them like they really don't matter and are easily replaced (even if they are).

That is pretty much how we have treated the rest of the world.

A great leader does not demand obedience, he inspires loyalty.

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I understand how you can see it that way.

Personally, I have absolutely no problem admitting I made a mistake.

We have been arrogant and dismissive and derisive.

This is AMERICA damn it.

Nobody else says it like that (the USSR used to).

We've been rubbing their noses in it since WW2.

It kind of hurts to admit you made an ass of yourself but in the long run it can only help.

Do you really think that in this world community, we did anything but move up a notch when he said that?

I've done enough team leadership to understand that no ones gonna do a good job if you treat them like they really don't matter and are easily replaced (even if they are).

That is pretty much how we have treated the rest of the world.

A great leader does not demand obedience, he inspires loyalty.


We need to admit our mistake, but we don't slam the entire country, and also bow down before the foreign powers as he did.


Also, he wants our economy to be as the European economies greatly are.

Only problem? The Europeans were even advising Obama AGAINST this reckless spending "stimulus" bill.

Besides, when someone has the thought train of "Oh, our country needs more money. Let's print more so there's more in circulation, yet we don't have the assets in gold to back it" you know there's a problem.

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Charasmatic leaders just frankly scare me. Have you watched cnn when he is doing "town hall" meetings? People breaking out in tears for the honor of speaking to him. I can just imagine how those people might react if he wanted to run as president for life or started going all Hugo Chavez on us..


What has he done so far? Pushed through lots of spending that is frankly of questionable value. AIG is on what bailout now? 3? 4?

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Charasmatic leaders just frankly scare me. Have you watched cnn when he is doing "town hall" meetings? People breaking out in tears for the honor of speaking to him. I can just imagine how those people might react if he wanted to run as president for life or started going all Hugo Chavez on us..


What has he done so far? Pushed through lots of spending that is frankly of questionable value. AIG is on what bailout now? 3? 4?


Kudos to you.

I'd fear the power of the tongue more than I'd fear the power of the gun.

If it's a gun, at least I know who is an immediate threat that needs removal.


You'd be surprised that a Federal 78gr BTHP MatchKing .223 round is still accurate, and lethal, out to 900 yards when fired from the rifle in my siggy.

Data complimentary of the coyote I dropped at 924yd this morning using said rifle XD

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