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I guess it's a preference thing.


Most players probably think that Khajits and Argonians are in the game so that there could be more variety in the NPC's. Few players will play those races. Therefore few modders coming from that pool of players will consider creating mods for them.


I also think that bethesda didn't really do such a grand job in propagating them; Argonians are just creepy lizards and Khajits are merely silly kittens - not something the majority would search for when deciding upon the race.


I liked them more in morowind.

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Well, it appears this one will have to learn how to mod much better than its current ability.


While this one agrees Argonians are creepy lizards, this one feels the Khajiit are indeed kittens and therefore need more love and hugs, for what is more destructive than a young cat?

Therefore, this one shall return to lurking and learning... and eating... Until this one is satisfied with its progress enough to touch the Khajiit, and hopefully create something of worth.


Until such time, this one shall hope that somebody with the mods will see this thread.


Thank all of you for your assistance in this matter.

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This may not be what you're looking for but the sword is Frostmourne, not one of Slofs, and so is still available.


EDIT: Try this mod for the eyes. They aren't the ones shown in the picture, but are about as close as you're gonna get.

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And that definately isn't close enough.

I just lost my Khajiit textures through unknown causes, and ravaged TESNexus looking for what was AlienSlof's Khajiit retexture mod, it took finding a screenshot with the same on a different mod to get to it and then I find out that the mod was removed. This infuriates me because I can't stand staring at pink Khajiit and all the other texture mods are below adequate. A way to aquire these textures would be perfect, I got Argonian textures that are high resolution now all that's left is the one race that HAS NO GOOD TEXTURE MODS.




"I am still modding as prolifically as ever. I share them with my own circle of friends. My stress factor has decreased significantly and I feel more like my old self again. It's a good feeling. I am currently enjoying my new snow leopard khajiit race that I made (see pic)."


Who else finds this hypocritical? Apparently from what I read about an hour ago she claimed to "quit modding completely" then two minutes later I see that she's modding in secret and bragging about it. I've never seen or heard anything of her until I found out about the fate of this one Khajiit mod and already I don't like her.

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Spootknight - There is nothing hypocritical about modding and keeping it to your own circle of friends.

It was people who made rash and thoughtless statements over the past several

years that made Slof stop uploading her mods. She still shares with people who

think rather than make judgemental statements. As for her "quitting modding completely".

People are allowed to change their mind, especially when friends ask them to.

The people who mod here make no money and are not required to offer service.

It's for fun, and for free.


If there are no other good Khajit textures it is proof positive that she is a good artist, and

shows just how hard it is to make a good texture, and why many lament her moving on.


Still - it is good that you are doing research, and making the best of the Nexus.

There are many who want mods delivered on a silver platter, and installed automatically.


Lesson learned - keep the zip file for all of your mods. Never know the Nexus may as suddenly disappear.



btw: - Echis - Have you been playing Mass Effect ?

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Those "people who think" (Circle of friends) are most likely personal friends, and the rest of the Oblivion community who gives a hoot about the mods (Like myself, I'd like to have those beast textures) are utterly screwed. Now the only thing I can hope for is that the HCEyeCandy team makes their high-rez skin pack include beast textures, otherwise I'm stuck with pink Khajiit and Argonians with four different colored sections on their body.
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@ SpootKnight:

I would also strongly advise against asking for people to send you these files against the authors wishes.

You are doing yourself no favours.


Modders create for themselves first and if they wish to share be grateful they do so.


You could of course learn to make the files you want for yourself. Then you would have the satisfaction of saying, "I did it myself."


BossDweebe said everything else that needs saying.

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I've never seen or heard anything of her until I found out about the fate of this one Khajiit mod and already I don't like her.


And I love you too. :P


Nowhere did I say I'd stopped modding. I said I'd stopped sharing them. And reading this crap from people like you just reminds me exactly why I did. Perhaps you should read ALL the statement before passing judgement.


I still make mods. I probably always will for one game or another - I've been modding for years, so why would I want to stop now? I stopped sharing them for a variety of reasons, attitudes like yours being amongst them. Mods are given freely. Modders don't have to share anything if they choose not to.


Perhaps you should consider this before thinking you have a right to things like this.

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