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Using Looksmenu on an NPC also changes the template record it was created from!?


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I asked around last time I attempted scripting SLM but got nowhere so my script is what I got to work (based on the surgery chair script).

As I wanted a full body 'looksmenu' (not just the face) I used the Mirror (standing) furniture and it had the playerkeyword requirement.

ChangeAnimFaceArchtype I thought reverted any 'funny' facial expressions etc back to default to aid sculpting so left it in.


Because so much of looksmenu is 'hard coded' I was very wary (from bitter experience) of doing things differently than in Bethesda's scripts.

You are probably right about it but I got tired of failures so went with what (mostly) worked.

I still don't know why the first try of the script (after a restart) presents with no sculpting menu but at this point - "if it's not broken (too badly) don't fix it"

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Thanks niston - funny how once you know about a problem you can find tons of references suggesting it is well known - but try and get such information in advance and... crickets...

I again lament how all this wealth of FO4 modding experience is not in one place that everyone can search.

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Discord is totally unhelpful in that. Crap tonnes of knowledge and advice locked away in unsearchable vaults, lost in time like ... oh ok.


I use this place because google can index it, and pearls can even be found in the ocean of ignorance that is reddit !

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!00% agree - my 'dig' at Discord was not as hidden as I thought. I am seriously thinking of having "Twitter is not Wikipedia" as my tag line.


Any 'pearl filled' reddit posts I should check out?

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