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Too many difficulty mods


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I first had Mart's Increased Spawns installed, but then I installed the mod that makes "Very Hard" difficulty available. Now the games fights are basically impossible. I enjoy a good challenge, but this might be a bit much. Is Increased Spawns a mod that you can just turn off/remove? I would like to do that because it would make caravan survival less of an issue. But if it's not easy to remove, what difficulty setting was it made to be played on? Thank you for any help.
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If you're using the older standalone version of Mart's increased spawns, you should probably kill it and get the full Mart's Mutant Mod instead, it has a plugin to make the traders tougher so they don't die all the time from the increased spawns and other dangers. That and the mod is just generally awesome.


Mart's Mod download: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3211

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