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Male Savior's Hide Meshes


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There seems to be a saddening lack of remeshes for the male Savior's Hide here on the Nexus. I've found one that adds pants to it instead of just the loin cloth and that's awesome, but I'm also looking for something that makes it look less like a Halloween costume and more like a functional barbarian hunter's armour. I'm talking specifically about the low, fur-lined neck which to me, it looks goofy and, as I said before, costume-y.


I'm just looking for a straight mesh replacement (obviously with accompanying textures). I don't need it craftable, I'm not interested in "completing" the set with matching greaves and/or gauntlets, and I don't care that it's a relatively low armour rating. That stuff I can and have even already started doing for myself. But I'm hopeless at 3D modelling.


I'd also like to request a matching female mesh which corrects the same issue, but that's of less importance as there's already a metric butt-load of female Savior's Hide mods out there. Sure most of them are more revealing as opposed to less, but there are a few that achieve it for women.

Edited by Hyacathusarullistad
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