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Help for SkyRe and mod compatibilities


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Well, PerkUp will cause problems, i guess, since it affects perks.

MidasSkyrim (is midas magic, right?) also will cause issues, since spells in skyre are different

Sneak tools can also cause troubles, but not shure, since i never used them.

Same with AI mods like Ultimate combat. I never used myself, but there also may be issues.

So you will need to install the one you prefer. SkyRe has optional installer, you can skip enemy AI module and be fine.

You have many armor mods and all that kind of mods, so you will need to run a reproccer

Also, remember the limit of mods, which you are close to. SkyRe has several modules, that are separete .esps


IMHO if you overwrite things in correct order, you can get a pretty stable game. Just be shure to find the right order to overwrite files.



Generally i agree with what Hyacathusarullistad posted. The more mods, the more troubles.

Edited by Urtel
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