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Is there a console command to force the sleep menu?

Guest deleted2027229

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Well I do not about real sleep but I think you want to change time immediate right? It seems the command actually update the sleeping bonus with Ultimate levelling, as when i do this, I get a message about sleep bonus, bit only if I go back in time.


This command works only at the current day you are at. lets say it is monday and time is now 07:45 in game. Open the console and type:

Set GameHour to 5

The jump back in time is immediate. No sleeping pop up, no nothing. It is fast as light. GameHour use 100 seconds, not 60. 100 is decimals used by the game and inside Game Global variables and GamHour is a global.


Lets jump forward in time, to 17:54 as I want to see my shop closing 18:00. I can wait in game 6 minutes that is 12 seconds in real time.

Set GameHour to 17.9

To change the day, we need a different approach with Game Days passed... I use it in a quest script... While Orrey, the smith in Anvil castle is building a tunnel under Anvil for my crew in my current mod project... What will they find? IDK... :wink: You have to figure that out when you play it. Just an example how time in game acts. That tunnel will take 14 in game days to complete by the way... :wink: I did sleep that time of for testing it yesterday... :D I might be wrong about this. I do not need to argue about it.


let's see which Globals we have as all can be changed the same way, with or without a script, well inside the console that is.

List of global variables - The Elder Scrolls Construction Set Wiki


What i do know is that Globals should never be used by the player, well not new ones. The Roaster chicken companion mod use a global as one example. Quest variables rocks and work same way and should be used instead. This is only a foot note, nothing else for any modder's. Use sense... ;)

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By the way, I installed a digital clock that I made myself inside my library.


To get minutes, I had to force time into a short, get rid of the decimals, take the real floating time - my short and the result was divided by 60 and multiplied with 100 or whatever... Damn i lost track myself now.


Well the bloody clock is working correct. It change number every in game minute and every real second. 2 seconds = 1 game minute still. :D Damn... I do have the script available if anyone wants to know more about time and scripting it. In detail... that bloody clock has 29 different number meshes, with 10 different digits, in wooden texture. A Mid Eval digital clock is made of wood, nothing else.

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Guest deleted2027229

Nah I want to open the sleep menu with the console, sometimes a mod adds a static bed which is not an activator (ie cannot be slept in)

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Okay, Then exchange that bed to a real bed. I guide you.


Start Cinstruction set.exe and load that specific mod up. Find the bed and tell me when you did find it and also the name of the mod so i can check it up. So damn idiotic to actually add a none working bed. That is silly. We also need to remake the mesh, i might be able to do that and also add the bed in game as a furniture. It not an activator but the principle is the same. More like an activator than a bloody static. But use that tip I gave you anyway or use my mod later as I relase it soon. You will be able to summon this bed with it:




This beggar did steal my cozy bed in IC


Guards in Skyrim often ask the player: Are ye a summoner? Can you conjure me a bed?


-YES I CAN!!!! :D


I also had a summon bed spell in skyrim


No need for you to actually add beds. You only need my bed to be able to sleep as that is what you wanna do.... Sleep, not in that specific old simple bed, most likely with dirty cheats and filled with flies.

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This bother me some. There must be a command you are seeking after. Reading all commands will only make the head spin around. But they are ALL here. :D


So what did I search for with Control-F

  • Sleep
  • Wait
  • Show
  • Menu

What did i find? A lot of stuff but not that specific pop up box. I did find WakeUpPC that is used if the player is dreaming or the player really get interupted while sleeping, not to make the player to sleep. Well that command is the one that wakes up the player really...


I did find all other pop up menus but that one is not among them. All these menus starts with Show....


I did my best here. I hope someone else solves this. I give up... Set gameHour is your best choice so far, or fix the broken bed or conjure or summon my beds. :D Damn game, damn functions list, so long, to long...

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It is a MenuMode, either sleeping or waiting, depending on if you're in an actual bed or just standing next to one, but even I can't say I've ever seen a function for triggering it.


It should, however, be possible to just remote-activate some other bed in some holding cell to make the sleep dialog pop up. If I'm not completely mistaken, the bed does not necessarily have to be "near you" at all for this.

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Out of my pay grade here, but the CS Wiki has this page:


MenuMode (Function) and it seems that SleepWait is 1012


On the UESP page Oblivion Mod:Script Functions MenuMode is listed and some (though certainly not all) of the functions on that page can be issued via the console.

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Guest deleted2027229

@ striker... so what would the exact command be? Console > menumode 1012? I would try but can't access the game right now.

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That would be my guess. If I think of it when I'm in the game next I'll give it a whirl and see what happens. Sometime when you try a script only function in the console it will report an error, sometimes just does nothing and every now and then you get a result. I just make it a habit to experiment using an old save (and of course don't make a new save that I'll commit to my guy's game until I'm certain about what the results are of any particular command).


- Edit- Well curiousity got the better of me and I did a test. When I issued the console command MenuMode 1012 it returns zero as a result any time I did not have the sleep menu displayed in game (then it returned one). I use See You Sleep DLL but I don't think it changed the test results in any way.


MenuMode 1012 won't do what you're after ... it just reports whether or not you are currently in the sleep or wait menu.

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