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What kinds of changes would you like to see happen?


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This thread is for discussing and suggesting ideas to the modding community what you think would improve Skyrim in any number of ways. It can range quests to spells, weapons, the combat, textures, etc. you get the idea. Personally I can say at least four times a week I think "ooh that would be a cool mod" and it is nice to get these ideas down before they slip away. Who knows? Someone might just make your mod wish come true. There is only one rule; do not discourage other peoples ideas, if you feel that you have nothing nice to comment keep it to yourself. Instead be constructive and offer ideas, these are discussions, they do not need to blow out into arguments. This forum is here for any mod idea that suddenly hits your head and you would like to share with the nexus community. Edited by 15samurai
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I think for this thread I will start with asthetic improvements for beast races


first check out this mod in development http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6041//?


I think it would be cool to give argonian customization dragon horns. Argonians look like humanoid dragons so why not take the horns from all the dragons in Skyrim and add it to the argonians they would fit the look of the argonian after all you do play the dragon born. Use the horns of odahviing, elder or ancient dragons, have fins like in oblivion by adding the blood dragon horns, make your argonian epic with the horns of a legendary dragon or go for the normal classic dragon horns.


One thing that bothered me about the vampire lords in the dawnguard expansion was that no matter what race you were you vampire form did not look any different than a human vampire lord. They should have at least to one characteristic of what race you were playing and applied it to the vampire lord form. If you are playing an orc you would have tusks in vl mode, if an argonian your head would somewhat resemble a dragon, khajiit vl mode would have round eyes, a cat nose and mouth and you would have insidious cat ears, if you were playing a dark elf your eyes in vl mode would look bigger and red. The main difference between men and mer would be in all likelyhood the ears.


One final texture that comes to mind is the dragon aspect shout. Looks awesome on all the men and mer because you have glowing eyes a dragon chin and a dragon snout as a crown but on argonians they did not adjust it at all to them. The aspect chin is in the argonians neck, the eyes do not glow and the nose, which I get should look like a crown, should be on the end of the argonian snout. If this was fixed your argonian would look like an ethereal dragon badass.


Things to add and fix


Dragon horns for argonians


Race physical attributes applied to vampire lord


Argonian dragon aspect

1. Dragon aspect chin and jaw align with argonian chin and jaw

2. Argonian eyes glow

3. Snout crest is moved from forehead to the end of the Argonian snout.

Edited by 15samurai
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A quest Idea

One of the details in Skyrim that annoyed was that while the mage skills all got a quest when they reached 100, all the other skills did not receive such quests. If you wanted to earn dragonbone armor simply smith 1000 iron daggers, by a skill of 90 you have the ability to smith daedric gear when it would be far more interesting to have a quest given to collect the ingredients and use the atronach forge to conjure the armor and weapons. To learn how to create dragon armor by venturing to an ancient nordic ruin and following the lessons from the ancient dead who had fought the dragon overlords when they were alive. For fighting skills you train under legendary fighters who will give you a new ability to pull off with your weapon. A quest that would have been convenient for 100 alchemy was the White phile quest. In general adding quests for earning 100 skill to earn the final skill point or an extra skill point would be story immersive and awesome.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I was pleased with Bethesda's Dragonborn DLC Challenge: the Ebony Warrior. He showed that with the right perks and gear you could make a decent character and that you didn't need to use hacks. Also he is really rewarding to kill. However there is only one problem I have with him; his voice. I know that voice is the standard redguard voice but it is also the voice of the annoying characters that you run into, like Sven. I think someone should redo the voice of the ebony warrior and make him sound like somebody that could kill you. Give him a deep Middle Aged voice and not the one of a teenager. A voice that gives him the feel of not only a worthy warrior but a dangerous villain as well. Edited by 15samurai
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Wouldn't it be nice if the race you played was taken into more detail? If there were certain interactions that referenced to what your race was. How about full blown quest lines for each races you can play? New factions for your races, armor, weapons, lore delving, etc. depending on the race you play you get to go through a certain quest line that rewards you with choices, player home, gear, and followers. Play a High elf and join elite thamlor making all thalmor agents friendly to you and acknowledge your superiority. Play as a orc and defend an orc stronghold from a dragon that has been sassing them.To make it even more interesting you can see both sides of a quest line depending on your race. If you play an Argonian it would the Argonian faction vs a dark elf one and if you play a dark elf you get to see the quest turn out differently than if you were an Argonian.



Play as Argonian you find an Argonian settlement and it is run by the An-Xileel (Argonian organization) skyrim branch. They welcome you with open arms and you get quests from the towns folk and the higher ups. You later learn that dark elves have kidnapped an argonian agent, you are to rescue him from his capturs but you are too late they killed him. This death causes a war to break out between this settlement and another one of dunmer (dark elves). This eventually ends in either truce or the destruction of one of the settlements. You join the An-Xileel and become one of their agents.


Play as Dark Elf you find a dark elf camp run by a council. Because of your heritage they welcome you with open arms. You get quests from your fellow dunmer and the higher ups. You later join their militia that tells you that there are An-Xileel agents spying on the camp. You are to capture the spy and bring him to interrogation, however you or your men kill him because he would not give any info. The other argonians find out and this results in war between the Argonian and Dark elf settlements. This eventually ends in either truce or the destruction of one of the settlements. You become the leader of their militia.


The player not only gets cool rewards but also gets a chance to learn more about the lore of the race that they are playing.

Edited by 15samurai
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  • 2 weeks later...
You know what would really be awesome...enemies with steeds. I don't mean just horses for soldiers and bandits. I mean saber cat steeds for the forsworns. Large chaurus for falmer, and undead horses for skeletons. Course it would also be cool if you could get some badass wolves as steeds from Orc holds. Have a forsworn pen full of saber cats and you can take your pick and use one of them. Run into a really big warrior caravan that has a mammoth pulling the cart. And best yet, an evil drauger overlord that has tamed a family of frostbite spiders and uses a unique one as its steed.
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Spoiler warning for Dragonborn DLC


You know what two things bothers me:

A. Bethesda never added a spear skill tree in dragonborn (that was the original point of giving you the option to switch perks after killing Miraak) it would not have taken much but it seems they were too lazy :(

B. some people's mods for spears. So far I have only liked one (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15294) because the rest have these weird weapons that pretty much look like bits and pieces of other weapons stuck to eachother to look like spears and clubs. On top of that they do not even bother to try giving spears their own branch or animations. Some mods just make them one-handed or two-handed weapons. However, I will give them credit for trying. They could have done better to make them fit in the game.


What should be done is this.

1. Make spears from scratch and make them fit with the other weapons in skyrim. DO NOT DO THIS: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22927/?

2. Create a skill tree that allows three paths with them

a. Throw the spears at enemies

b. Use your spear with your shield

c. Use the spear as your only weapon

3. Give the characters new animations for when using spears, like in they had in the Bethesda preview.

4. Intigrate the weapon throughout the enemy NPC's be they bandit, falmer, forsworn, assassin, etc.

5. Create ones for the DLC's and make unique ones that you can find or win on unique quests.

6. Make the tree appear in the dragonborn DLC so then you have the option to switch perks out.

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As for the Steed Mod a giant ridable Death Hound would rule.In the Race Mod Orcs should be able to craft Orc Armor right off the bat.Speaking of bats I've been screaming for Batman stuff forever but nobody even looks at My mod suggestions, would Batman somehow conflict with Elder Scrolls lore more than Star Wars/Trek or Pokemon ?It could be just a sweet set of Armor to look like The Dark Knight or a whole series of quests on Gotham Island where You fight the Undead( Solomon Grundy),Were-Bats(Man-Bat),Orc/Argonian Hybrids(Killer Croc),Mad Alchemists(The Scarecrow),Spriggan/Human Hybrids(Poison Ivy),a Golem(Clayface),a Mad Jester (The Joker),and even The Authorities(Harvey Dent),with all that in mind, doesn't Batman/Skyrim sound like today's Chocolate/Peanut Butter.Yet again I have more ideas if any friendly modders want to give it a go.Thanks for reading.

Edited by SkurgeDrakken
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