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Qarl and Timeslips Depth of Field


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Qarl and Timeslpis Depth of Field is one of my all time favorite immersion mods, And I've been wondering if something to that effect could be done for Fallout 3?


I doesn't seem like it would be that difficult... Just convert the files, but im not entirely sure...


Anyways, if you think you do this, or help, or have anything to say, please comment.


-SN- :ninja:

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... Just convert the files, but im not entirely sure...


Normally, "just convert the files" is several times harder and time consuming that what you might expect. Ask any of the people that has made armor/body conversions, it looks easy enough to try and it's horrible enough to keep the modder busy for a week or two.


Luckily for you, this one in particular isn't hard to make, and you could even make it yourself:


Find any of the "night vision" mods and open it on the geck. Better take one that only haves the goggles and nothing else.


These mods work mostly the same:

- A set of goggles that haves an object effect

- That object effect calls for a custom base effect

- That custom base effect is a script effect

- The script effect calls for an "imagespace modifier" effect on the player.


Under one of the top menus (like world, file...), can't remember which, you'll see this entry called "Imagespace Modifiers..."

Click on that and search for the one used by the night vision goggles mod. You'll see that it haves lots of parameters.


Here's a little help explaining them


Mostly, you want to remove the awful green tint and most of the other effects, and toy only with the "Depth Of Field".

Once you have an effect that you like, see which values you used, create a new esp, create an imagespace modifier just as you want it, and find a way to give it to the player permanently, i leave the last part as a homework.

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Hey thanks, I think I'm going to make that...


heh :sweat: wish me luck.


EDIT: I need help with the script to apply the modifier constantly.


Scripting is my achilles heel

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