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a really easy request


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ok...what i need from you guys to make is a hireable (even with sharing and caring) pretty blond girl waiting in megaton with defaul armor: vault 101 armored and protectrons gaze as default weapon...please can anyone make this for me??? it sound easy but i really stink in the GECK....please? :thanks:


btw...she needs to have the prim n prorer haircut and she needs to be caucasian

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Ehm... search the nexus for any of the companion mods, look how are they made, and make it yourself.

Or, if any of them adds 1 extra hireable companion, all you have to do is edit the appearance and gear. (hint, it's in the npc section, look for the npc name, double click it, there's 2 appearance tabs and 1 equipment one).


You don't really expect someone to puff in and dedicate a couple hours of his life to do something only wanted by one complete stranger... right?.

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Depends how much you want to add to her. If you want a basic companion like the vanilla game ones, then yeah, couple of hours tops generally (including testing time, though sometimes things go wrong and take longer to fix than usual of course). If you wanted something more like Jessi though, that could easily take days of work.


I do have a few random fairly basic female followers I made a while ago actually. Guess I could just delete out the other two and edit the one left to meet your requirements, wouldn't take me too long because she's already up and running. Might do that tomorrow I guess, too late today to start fiddling around with something like that.

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Don't pamper the newbie ^^'


It does take a few mins if you just take an existing mod and change the appearance, however, only the author of the original mod can do that and distribute it without asking permission. (modifying for yourself doesn't require any permission whatsoever tho).

That is one of the reasons why you'd better off doing such cosmetic changes yourself, instead of asking for them.

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Ahaha, haven't heard it put quite like that before. But yes, you're right that some people will still ask even if they can do it themselves. On the other hand, I also learn stuff by helping others (especially scripting stuff as people often come up with cool ideas I probably wouldn't have thought of, which makes me use my brain to figure out how to get the scripting to work right).
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As you were happy with her being SCC Compatible I threw something together. Actually took longer to write the readme than to make her (yeah she's basic).


She only has the one line of dialogue but has a full sandbox so can roam Megaton and sleep like any other NPC.


Sharon Delaney SCC

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