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Character Switch


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I was thinking that it would be nice if there was a terminal outside Vault 101 that enables you to create another player.Once you do that both characters (initial and this one) will remain.You simply control your character and the other follows you as a companion.But suddenly you choose that you prefer the other one and press a button like F2.You remember you like the other one most ? Press F2 again...

Now the other one is the controlled character and the other the companion!

There are 2 ways to get XP:

1.Control your character and get XP

2.The computer that handles the other one gets XP


Once either the controlled or the not-controlled get a level-up the game pauses like it does always and you select a perk and customise the skills


Perhaps they should have the same caps and actions like fix the Megaton bomb can occur only once


Thanks in advance! :thanks:


P.S:Comments from both modders and non modders are welcome

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Since I'm not much of a modder, I have no idea if this is possible or not. That said, some sort of script that lets you switch to a different character would be pretty handy, even if it's not as simple as pushing a button. For example, you could make a quest-scenario where the player has to to control a companion or NPC in order to progress. That would give some variation to the gameplay, I think.
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Well it might be very hard but if anyone does it it will be very popular I believe

I have seen a couple of more difficult projects come to life

and I think that this would worth the effort


Edit:Well you can control other characters (Tranquility Lane) so I think that with a script that's possible.Perhaps if the button is not possible, a unique dialogue option can trigger that

I remember someone making a project that can change your appearance through a monitor so the only thing not tested is the "switch" action

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Since I'm not much of a modder, I have no idea if this is possible or not. That said, some sort of script that lets you switch to a different character would be pretty handy, even if it's not as simple as pushing a button. For example, you could make a quest-scenario where the player has to to control a companion or NPC in order to progress. That would give some variation to the gameplay, I think.


Kinda like Resident Evil Zero where you have to switch between the two characters in order to solve the puzzles and progress. Neat idea :)

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To destroy all hopes directly. Its not possible. Not even in parts. So better forget about this Idea. The only way to do it would be with a external programm or changing the F3 hardcode.


I was about to ask "how can you know that for sure," and then I saw who posted it, lol. If Yossarian says it can't be done then he is probably correct.

BTW Yosarrian, why were comments/ratings blocked on GTS?

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To destroy all hopes directly. Its not possible. Not even in parts. So better forget about this Idea. The only way to do it would be with a external programm or changing the F3 hardcode.


I was about to ask "how can you know that for sure," and then I saw who posted it, lol. If Yossarian says it can't be done then he is probably correct.

BTW Yosarrian, why were comments/ratings blocked on GTS?


To give us time to do something more useful than response comments. I am sure, coz I tried a lot about this in case to manage showrace/hair menu for NPCs and even that is not possible. Since Oblivion even the much more improved OBSE wasn't able to change NPC Hair without a lot compromises.


What I wanted to do is, to fake the game a different character then the Player-Character and open the Racemenu for it and than switch back to the Player character, but I failed. So, it can't be done with GECK for sure, but MAYBE with a future release of FOSE or another external programm.

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It *may* be possible to "fake" a character switch:

You'd want to "save" your current character's sex/race/face/stats/hair on another character, and then either change the sex/raceface/stats/hair on your character or call a showracemenu.




While this is all 'good' (tho cumbersome) for sex, race, face, special and *maybe* level and skills. IT WILL NOT WORK FOR PERKS. It's physically impossible to give perks to an npc to "store" them, much less use them. And even while you could potentially keep a variable for each and every vanilla perk to know if the character had it or not, so you can add the perks back, there is no way to do so with custom perks. Meaning such a mod would be VERY mod-unfriendly.


In sum, it would take a crapload of work, but you could potentially fake a "control another npc" as long as you don't mind that npc behaving as it haves your same perks. It is "possible", tho cumbersome, to create an npc clone of your character. But anything perk-related is bond to fail.

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