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map with deep ocean.


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Maybe someone has ever come across a map with a large ocean? With a depth of at least 2048 and precombined cells? Or perhaps someone will explain in detail how to create an ocean (world / interiors) in ck so that the engine does not cut the map outside the loaded area?
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If your focus is the underwater aspect, currently I do not know that is "fully" possible for Fallout 4 as the xLODgen tool used to make LOD seems to cull underwater objects.

You would still be able to generate the landscape LOD so at the very least the dirt and water would go forever and you wouldn't see the map falloff. You can also click things in ck as full LOD and they'll load further but in my experience they still pop and are no replacement for true LOD. This isn't hopeless though. An old school developer technique to hide lack of LOD or bad LOD was simply to manipulate it with other environment factors, i.e. fog. In this case you are talking about an ocean, rely on its lightlessness to cover up LOD issues. You can edit water forms in ck to alter their clarity, so you can really leverage on this if you only let the player see a few feet away like a real ocean floor only lit up by whatever personal light you have on you. You can do it with enough creativity to work around xLODgen's deficits.

If you are going for a brighter tropical reef style ocean, like bright, you're going to just have to accept pop in on objects due to how LOD generation works.

I think building such a worldspace would be reasonably easy, ck makes building the easiest part imo and an ocean landscape is mostly just rock and vegetation until you go extra. Generating the LOD would be your real hurdle if you have no experience, requiring a semi-decent computer and some time to read the available tutorials. It's easy enough, but it also isn't as easy as clicking install in Vortex.

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I thought about doing it. That was my intention when I made "Underwater Combat" to test this feature out.

But the game is just not made for that. Mutant Menagerie adds underwater monsters yet what good does it do when you can't properly fight.

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