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Giving up on Skyrim


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I really do not know what else to do. I once again have the dragon souls glitch where I cannot absorb any souls. The dragon merchant mod doesn't fix it like it did last time. I do not see any mods that are conflicting with it, I ran boss, I simply cannot play the game. I have yet to even complete the dragonborn DLC. This game is BUGGED like a jungle. I have the unofficial patches as well. dragon souls will not absorb and it's BS. I am tired of the bugs. I was able to absorb them yesterday. I removed recently installed mods that were not there the last time I was able to absorb a soul. I completed the dark brotherhood quest line before starting the main quest by the way. I also retrieved the dragonstone before I told the Jarl that a dragon is coming towards Whiterun. I cannot possibly see how any of that would interfere with this game. I want to keep playing but if the game is broken then it's broken.

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Use this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31909//?


It will work, trust me.


also download and install this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23833/?


It fixes bugs that haven't been fixed in the unofficial patches, including the dragon soul bug. If this doesn't work then try the first link I posted. You should get the patch from the second link no matter what though.

Edited by CodyME
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