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I love all the mods that add lands, items, guilds, and other such things from morrowind, to oblivion!

I loved morrowind alot, and to be able to get elements of it in oblivion...just amazes me.

I wish Bethesda would have included morrowind as an oblivion expansion. It shows up on your oblivion map

but you can't go there. It sucks.

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Valenwood, Elyswear and all the other places are on your map too. When you think about it though, the sheer size of having all these places explorable would be insane.


I can't see Bethesda ever releasing another patch or DLC for oblivion as much as a lot of people would like them to.


Before adding anything they need to Rebuild Kvatch for us and make us the new Count of Kvatch since that's like the only thing you don't get to be in the game haha.

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there is a mod called Total Tamriel that adds every single heightmap of all of tamriel to the worldspace - you just need to take off the borders and you can walk there. of course, these lands would be empty, as there would be too much to adding entire cities as well as the heightmap. one modder I know of has made skyrim for it though, as well as a village in hammerfell, and from the look of things when he get's back from his (a few months) hiatus he's going to continue working on the project, though I can't be sure. take a look at it, maybe ask somebody to mod up Vvardenfel, Solstheim, and Morrowind or do it yourself if you are competent with that kind of thing
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Oblivion will never become quite morrowind, you know?


I'm not sure why though. Perhaps it's the compass and fast travel :D


Yes, Morrowind has a different feel to it than Oblivion. Although it's great news that the SoVvM project has been picked up.

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