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Wtf? "Gold Peices"?!


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Spam is my responsibility. Spam, and I'll delete your messages and fine you twice the gold that you made off them. *Shakes stick*


Aside from that annoying bout of modness, I guess the GP system is nice. I would negate Theodarius' post count, but someone already has :-)

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Spam is my responsibility. Spam, and I'll delete your messages and fine you twice the gold that you made off them. *Shakes stick*


Aside from that annoying bout of modness, I guess the GP system is nice. I would negate Theodarius' post count, but someone already has :-)

So what exactly does negating someone's post count do? It seems different from just lowering the number of posts. Please keep in mind that I'm a n00b here, so try to refrain from beating me over the head with frozen sticks of salami while you answer my (probably stupid) question. :D


I'm a mod at another forum that uses this same bbs software, and we don't have half the options you have here!! I'm impressed...

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yea, invision board has alot of cool mods you can install in it :rolleyes:

So I've noticed... I shall have to get on our admins' case about doing more. Of course, we seem to be having enough problems with switching servers every two months and losing everything, so I hardly see the point in adding cool new features. :unsure:

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Negate post count is a mean feature which basically turns your post count into negative numbers - so if someone has 300 posts and someone negates them - he'll have -300 and have to work his way up from there - ouch :X
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