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Complete newbie - have not bought skyrim yet. Which version should I buy?


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Hi hello,

I was considering buying skyrim today because I have free time for a little bit and I usually like to add mods to my games, especially for really old ones like skyrim, but I'm looking at the forums and everything is SUPER confusing. Should I buy the special edition and not buy the anniversary edition update? but i heard there's an automatic update? and that i have to somehow downgrade it to be able to use the mods? Very confused. Should I purchase AE or not?? @.@

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If you purchase Skyrim Special Edition, then you are going to get version 1.6.353, which is often referred to as the Anniversary Edition.


There are a very limited number of mods that have not been updated for this version. If you want to use any of those mods then you will need to use a Downgrade Patcher.


If you don't use those mods, then you are going to be just fine. Just make sure that if the mod offers an "AE" or "SE" version or offers a version for "1.6.x" or "1.5.97" that you choose the "AE" or "1.6.x" option. _READ THE MOD PAGE_


The AE "update" is just a DLC that gives you all the available Creation Club content and is entirely optional.

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In addition: I'd recommend NOT buying the "Anniversary Edition" with additional content right now. Just get the base game. You can always upgrade later on, if you wish to.


Reason: Currently, you cannot choose which of the many mods, that come with the paid upgrade, you want to install. Once you bought the "Anniversary edition", you'll automatically get everything. In case you DON'T want some of the mods, you'll have to remove them manually (i.e. delete the plugin files on your hard disk). And they'll be back every time you update. Could be annoying in the long run...


Here's a list of everything you get with the "Anniversary Edition". See for yourself, if you really need/want them all:


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Before the update in November, about half the mods here were ALREADY buggy or didn't work at all, because they were old and never updated. Mods loaded after November should be OK (most of them), though they may not be compatible with each other. Check the Bugs and Comments section. Also pay close attention to information on prerequisites, installing and compatibility. Texture mods, which only change the appearance of things, should be OK, if they are mutually compatible. I think I can also safely recommend Arthmoor's mods:




Other than that, I would suggest adding a few mods and seeing how the game runs (you can use a generic male Nord with the name X1 or the like). If it seems OK, add a few more and try again (with X2). You may find this worth the extra effort, because it can take hundreds of hours to complete the game.


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