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X-Box V.S. PC - which is better?


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I think that both consoles and PCs each have advantages, but I like PCs more.


Video game consoles are much more user-friendly and simple, and you dont have to worry about conflicting drivers, incompatable video/soundcards and other such issues. All you have to do is put a game in and go. While i do prefer the control of a keyboard/mouse over a controller in most types of games, especially fps' (mouse-look beats a joystick for view any day) I think fighter games and some platforming games are better


PCs have a much wider selection of games, and graphics tend to be better than console games. A PC is a much larger investment, as you will have to replace outdated cards fairly often if you want the best performance. This also insures that PC gamers will always have the edge over console gamers, as updated consoles only come out once every one or two years.

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