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Some Fonts doesnt work?!


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Im currently testing around a bit with the BBCodes this forum uses. According to this site - Formating and BBCode in Descriptions - the following Fonts should be available.

Arial Black
Arial Narrow
Book Antiqua
Century Gothic
Comic Sans MS
Courier New
Franklin Gothic Medium
Lucida Console
Lucida Sans Unicode
Microsoft Sans Serif
Palatino Linotype
Times New Roman
Trebuchet MS

If I mark the text and then select the specific fonts via button, the outcome is this (not all fonts from above can be seleted in the Nexus Forums via Button):

Comic Sans MS
Courier New
Lucida Sans Unicode
Times New Roman
Trebuchet MS

Corresponding Forum Code:


[font=comic sans ms,cursive]Comic Sans MS[/font]
[font=courier new,courier,monospace]Courier New[/font]
[font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]Lucida Sans Unicode[/font]
[font=times new roman,times,serif]Times New Roman[/font]
[font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif]Trebuchet MS[/font]


Now lets see what the outcome is, if I use on all fonts from the first list the


- command variant (without the "additions" .. so e.g. without the ",geneva,sans-serif" for "Verdana"):

Arial Black
Arial Narrow
Book Antiqua
Century Gothic
Comic Sans MS
Courier New
Franklin Gothic Medium
Lucida Console
Lucida Sans Unicode
Microsoft Sans Serif
Palatino Linotype
Times New Roman
Trebuchet MS




Corresponding Forum Code:



[font=arial black]Arial Black[/font]
[font=arial narrow]Arial Narrow[/font]
[font=book antiqua]Book Antiqua[/font]
[font=century gothic]Century Gothic[/font]
[font=comic sans ms]Comic Sans MS[/font]
[font=courier new]Courier New[/font]
[font=franklin gothic medium]Franklin Gothic Medium[/font]
[font=lucida console]Lucida Console[/font]
[font=lucida sans unicode]Lucida Sans Unicode[/font]
[font=microsoft sans serif]Microsoft Sans Serif[/font]
[font=palatino linotype]Palatino Linotype[/font]
[font=times new roman]Times New Roman[/font]
[font=trebuchet ms]Trebuchet MS[/font]






.. or even better, lets do this with a bigger font size and the same text for every font:

Skyrim Modifications
Skyrim Modifications
Skyrim Modifications
Skyrim Modifications
Skyrim Modifications
Skyrim Modifications
Skyrim Modifications
Skyrim Modifications
Skyrim Modifications
Skyrim Modifications
Skyrim Modifications
Skyrim Modifications
Skyrim Modifications
Skyrim Modifications
Skyrim Modifications
Skyrim Modifications
Skyrim Modifications
Skyrim Modifications
Skyrim Modifications




It seems to me, that from these 19 fonts, fonts #2, #3, #8 and #17 are identical - so the fonts Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Franklin Gothic Medium and Times New Roman. Lets take another look at them:



Skyrim Modifications
Skyrim Modifications
Skyrim Modifications
Skyrim Modifications




Result: They look identical. So, the question is, is this a bug of the Nexus Forums? Or are these fonts not supposed to be used in the first place? If that would be case, they should be deleted from the list here.



Any response would be great - maybe I just dont see the forest for the trees - but anyway, this issue (of these four identical fonts) is a bit confusing.

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Guess it's something at your end (the installed fonts on your machine, or perhaps a browser-related issue?)


Here's how your post looked on my end:






Those fonts sure look different to me! :cool:

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Now that is .. interesting. :tongue: For me it looks like this:




Well, what could be the cause of that? These fonts are normally installed on my PC (Windows 7, x64), as they should be. Heres a Word screenshot:





I only could assume an issue with my browser (FireFox 24.0 .. newest version) .. but I dont really know..

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Font tags in HTML are always dependent on what's on your PC and not uniform/standard across every platform. That's why it's best not to use them and just stick with the default.

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@ Dark0ne

I agree that in most cases the default font is the best solution, as too much font-using probably causes more confusion than it helps the reader. Nevertheless this forum provides the given fonts, so why not check what my problem is causing? :smile:


So, I did a bit more testing. I opened this topic with the Internet Explorer, and (tadaaa) guess what, in IE everything works as it is supposed to be. That means, the problem lies within FireFox. So I googled a bit around and found a post to some similarly problem, where someone suggested trying out the Safe Mode of FireFox. As it is described here, I did that - and happily this fixed the problem with FF! Now, the Save Mode is of course not for everyday use, so the question now is, what setting in the "normal mode" of FF causes the font issue (which isnt present in the Save Mode).


I then deactivated all Add-Ons manually (in the "normal mode") and restarted FF (which does the Save Mode also, inter alia) - but that did not fix the font issue. And thats my current situation .. some settings in the FF seem to cause the font issue, which apparently seem not to be the Add-Ons Im using.

Edited by pStyl3
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I can confirm that it's a FF24 thing. Just looked at the OP using that browser, and all four fonts under the last spoiler appeared to be identical Times New Roman, but at the size of the Arial Black and the weight of the Franklin Gothic. :laugh:

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Alright guys, I found the solution! The hardware acceleration of FF is the culprit. Turn off the hardware acceleration (Link) and the four fonts should work correctly.


I dont know why the HA does this .. but well, good to know where its coming from. Cheers. :smile:

Edited by pStyl3
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