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Who is the greatest hero of Elderscroll?


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If we had to compare the heroes from Elderscroll 1 through 5, which would be deemed the greatest -- Eternal Champion, Uriel Septim's Agent, Nerevarine, Hero of Kvatch, or the Last Dragonborn?


To me it would probably be the Hero of Kvatch (Elderscroll 4) being effectively crowned and given the powers of a god seems to be the greatest honor to be bestowed with.

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H of K. Ann Marie is humble before Martin's great sacrifice, allowing him to take all the credit even when as Sheo she could've set the record straight. (I think Sheo's more like a "Daedra Suit" Ann Marie wears for official functions than her new body. I figure when she goes home for the day she puts on her "real" body. Sheo has a bit of a stalker problem, after all. What better disguise than her own body when she wants some anonymity? See, that makes her anonymity before Martin come full circle ... except for that statue in Bruma she's pretty much in disguise when she's dressed as herself. She's like her very own Grey Fox Cowl. Ironic, right?)

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Eh, as per usual, I have to go with the Nerevarine on this one... Both Alduin and Dagon have legitimate reasons to destroy the world. In fact, it's why they exist. Defeating them is kind of like stacking sandbags for a hurricane, you know largely what to expect, how to deal with it, and that eventually you'll be doing this again.


Dagoth Ur was something else entirely... He, through the Corprus, was a perversion of divine power which threatened not only Nirn, but the entirety of creation with its distortion of the purpose of Mundus. He was unity and oneness without Love or identity, which defeats the entire reason the world was created in the first place.


Alduin and Dagon are just means to an end, but Dagoth WAS the end. Regardless of rewards, it is the threat you defeat which marks the Hero, and Dagoth Ur was by far the most evil and dire threat.


As for the Eternal Champion and the Blades Agent... While impressive, for mortals, neither measure up to the accomplishments or threats of the latest 3. I suppose it could be argued that both were even MORE heroic, as there wasn't anything particularly special about them, but I dunno... they just seem so much more mundane in comparison.

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The Dovahkiiin for sure. I mean Alduin is as close to an Aedra God that the players can fight. The Dragonborn has the freaking thu'um an ancient powerful ability that warps reality. Hell Alduin himself FEARS the Dragonborn.


You hear that? A GOD fears a mortal. This just shows how badass the Dragonborn is.

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Where do you get the idea that Alduin fears the Dragonborn? Or that gods fearing mortals is really that impressive in The Elder Scrolls.


Hell, the mythopoedic functions of the Aedra makes it to mortals have near absolute control over them. Fear becomes a matter of belief, as does their very existence.

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Asks this in Skyrim section....


Obviously will get dragonborn replies more, not to mention all the 'new gen' people that either started with this or oblivion...


also, no poll?


recently saw this same topic over at bethsoft elder scrolls forums and was pretty nice.

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While I'm biased towards the Dragonborn (Skyrim being the only Elder Scrolls game I've yet played), I have to say that what I've read of the stories for Morrowind and Oblivion seem incredibly epic. In fact I'm pretty pumped for the Skywind and Skyblivian projects - so much so that I just dropped ~$90 on the Anthology pack. Considering the Legendary edition of Skyrim is still $60 alone, the GotY editions of both Morrowind and Oblivion are definitely worth the other $30.

Edited by Hyacathusarullistad
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Don't bother with those projects, play the actual games.


Morrowind is my all time favorite of the series and always return to it even though i play the newer ones and other games still, just something special to me that never gets old.

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Asks this in Skyrim section....


Obviously will get dragonborn replies more, not to mention all the 'new gen' people that either started with this or oblivion...


also, no poll?


recently saw this same topic over at bethsoft elder scrolls forums and was pretty nice.


Ehh, its the most frequented forums, other forums wouldn't get as much exposure. As for not including a poll-- a poll is nice but I would rather see the reasoning for behind people's opinions.


At the end of their individual games we have: Eternal Champion being made a close confidant of Uriel Septim, the agent simultaneously split into 6 individuals fulfilling 6 different fates at the same time (so he got the short end of the stick), Nerevarine has been made an immortal (due to the corpus) wandering the Akavari continent, H of K has been made an daedric deity of madness, and TLD basically became the Megaman of dragons.


Oh yeah, I forgot to add the newest addition to the prisoner heroes: the Soulless ones who supposedly freed Tamriel from Molag Bal (a partial clone of H of K).

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Here is a comment i saw on the other forum and thought i would paste it over here as i like this person's opinion and matches my own.



Neveraine-single handly defeated dagoth ur (someone who was holding his own against 3 demigods, one of whom stood toe toe with bal and sheo), shattered the heart of lorkhan, became leader of more guilds and factions than skyrim or oblivion (I'd dare say combined but I maybe wrong slightly), defeated the tribunal and slayed 1 (or 2 of the demigods by themselves), defeated an aspect of a daedra, caused the red year, and got corprus and overcame it to become immortal.
CoC-Became leader of all the guilds, shut down all the gates while his followers or other npcs became enchanted into thinking swimming and getting stuck in the lava was a smart idea, became sheo, defeated the robot [censored] from the future, and released the curse on the cowl.
LDB-became leader of all the guilds, defeated alduin the ruler over dragons and NOT the Alduin the World Swallower (because alduin was never trying to end the kalpa but trying to regain His seat of power and usher in a new era of dragon rulers), stopped miraak, became a pawn of the great tentacle one, help decide the outcome of the civil war, slayed an emperor.
I picked neveraine because he single handedly defeated the tribunal and dagoth ur, something that even Tiber couldn't do, and defeated an aspect of the great hunter daedra Prince. ....and was just a simple person like the CoC. It was hard picking between the coc and neveraine because they dealt with huge world ending situations (oblivion gates and the spreading of the blight and the divine disease on everyone to make everyone but the dunmer become insane own flesh eating immortals). The LDB really didn't get much credits with me because one he defeated alduin that wasn't even gonna eat the world and 2 because he already started off awesome with an ace up his sleeve.
They all did great things, but being normal people doing great things upp the anty with me and I was more impressed with the neveraine in the awesome stuff he did over everyone.
Its also stfictly purely my opionion and we all know opionions vary and differ with none being "right".
granted this person did not cover the other heros but only the last 3 games.
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