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Is there a game that has this?


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Well, if you like castle building with small-scale decisions of a single king in a localized area, you might want to check out the game called Stronghold.


Not exactly a "king" RPG but it sure was fun to play: Age of Empires II: Age of Kings


And as a complimentary game to Age of Empires is Rise of Nations. I liked how you had to "grab" land to become more powerful and it was a delicate balance between over-extending to get more land verses protecting what you have.


I think Oblivion is a good platform for developing a "become a king" quest but it would have to be massive to keep from becoming dull.



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The difficulty with role playing a king is the fact that a kings life is very very boring. Mostly filled with paperwork, deciding how much tax to put on this years grain harvest, entertaining the nobles, etc, so if you did make a game about being a king, you'd only want to play the interesting bits. Which is basically a strategy game, like stronghold or age of empires, or whatever.


I still recommend dwarf fortress as being the closest, as it does involve taking pretty much all of the (local) decisions a king would make - and you dont control your units directly, you just say 'I want you to be a farmer and work in the mudcap farm' or 'I want a stonemason to go build that wall' etc, which is kinda more like being a king than other games. But if you do play it, for your own sake, get one of the versions with graphics :P

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So then whats the Mod that lets you replace one of the Kings?


As I said, it's an RPG/RTS hybrid. It only falls into the modern-day definition of RPG by the fact of leveling, character advancement of you and your troops - there isn't a whole lot on the plot side of things (country is at war, yadayada etc etc). Vanilla MnB is okay for playing as your own kingdom, but it really shines with either the Lords and Realms mod (easy to play), or the Native Expansion mod (punishing to play - not for the faint hearted, or newbies) - this really takes being the King/Queen to a better level - recruiting vassals, bossing them around, giving them castles/villages/cities.


Also, there was another old game called Majesty - fantasy style game, playing as the king... you didnt control the units directly, they went monster hunting on their own, although you could bounty stuff (bribes :P ) to persuade them.

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Thanks guys but its ok ll Ive already got Mount&Blade here and I still need to find the Mod to replace King Harlaus of Swadia :(. Cause thats the faction im in, and DAMN this game is so bloody ADDICTIVE!!! I STAYED UP LAST NIGHT UP TO 4:00AM PLAYING THIS o_O o_O o_O. 4:00AM GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe that??! :O.



Please I beg you does anyone know the Mod that was mentioned earlier in this thread that lets you replace one of the Kings?? Im already the Marshall which is the highest you can get in Vanilla M&B, but now I just need to get to King, which cannot be done in Vanilla.

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Your character can never replace the Kings of the factions, BUT you can found your own empire. Just got to capture a town when unaffiliated.


Hmm, I need to try that, would the flag of the new Kingdom be the Banner of the Player? Cause when creating your character at the start of the game you have to choose 1 of many Banners as your Symbol.


And does this basically mean your the King of your own Empire?

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Only game i've played that comes close (and not that close) is fable 2 for xbox 360. you don't get the title as king easily either. you have to buy and rent out about a good %98 of the housing in the entire game,then the title will be avaliabe for purchase.. then everyone you walk around worships you and calls you king.You can even buy out this huge castle.but there are some serious cons.. one: you get no political power.. no power actually.. the only thing that changes is your name and perhaps where you live.. on that note.. two: the castle is completly empty..no servants or ppl to beat on when your angry.. you can move in a family and beat on them,but by the time you get far enough in the game to buy the castle,you will have physically beaten the color out of so many families the game makers are probally working on a title for your merciless wife beating skills.



I haven't played any of them yet but maybe you should check out some of the civilization strategy games.. i hear you can play as historical powerful generals. maybe one of them is a king.

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