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The game begins in a prison cell, at the time of the Emporer's death. The Emporer has left no known and legitimate heirs, and the creatures of Oblivion are spilling into the world en masse. Having been charged with the Amulet of Kings, it is presumably your duty to find the progeny of the Imperial throne and defeat the forces of Oblivion.


The principal features of the game, beyond graphics, will be that it has sophisticated AI and is moving away from dependence on dice rolls.



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  • 3 years later...
Well, the emperor is trying to escape, as his 3 heirs have all died. The amulet of kings was lost, and oblivion gates are opened. You escape you're prison cell, and decide what to do in oblivion.
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Yet it's a interesting thread I think was undervaluated. I mean the compromise between the story driven and freedom of choices style. This is related with lore.


Oblivion is the less story driven in the TES saga. The main quest is so straight forward and short to the point where in itself not even justify a game the magnitude of Oblivion, yet this is on purpose, I think. Beyond the player receiving a champion title and a minor part of the IC being destroyed nothing else changes in the game. Doing the main quest doesn't mean game over.


Otherwise Oblivion give us a fantastic field for modding. It keep open even the destiny/fate/doom of the empire... even the government successorship. This is a two blade gun, for TES have a rich lore and this freedom can hurt it badly, as we already see in almost all fashion/kind of requests and even some released mods. Well, sad but true.


Now enters Giscard and some other greater modders that plans bringing us whole quest storyline and lore bonded works. That begin with his Kvatch Aftermath, goes thru the Origin of the Mages Guild, The Necromancer and now The Elder Council mods. All then integrated under a larger oversee project.


Where Oblivion give a very short goal in main quest's terms at same time it gives an unparalleled replaying factor and freedom of movement.

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