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How and Why did you buy Morrowind?


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My dad bought it about 3 years ago and my computer wouldn't handle it, so I wasnt able to play it untill about a year and a half ago when I got a new hard drive. Ever since about 6 months ago, my interest sort of wavers with it in the fact that I'll sit down and play Morrowind for 12 hours in a day (yes, I have done this...) but a week later I wont even think about it because I'm playing DoD or... well... Half Life and Morrowind are the only two games on my computer... So I'm usually playing a Half Life mod or chatting online and trying to fix some random problem with my computer... Anyways, overall, Morrowind is one of the best computer games I have played.
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I got my XBox in July and I was dying for a good RPG. I got MW at the suggestion of one of my friends at the Raven messageboard at *snip* (the BEST Indiana Jones fansite on the web, BTW). I bought it at Blockbuster Videos and a month later I got the MW Prophecies strategy guide on e-bay. I've never been the same!! I think my Nord is at level 14 or 15 now.


EDIT: I'm afraid advertising of any form is prohibited on this forum.

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I'd just bought a new computer off the peg (not technical enough to build my own I'm afraid) and wanted to try a new game that might show it's advantages - large PC screen and powerful processer.  For a couple of years I'd been limited by the power of the old PC and couldn't play any of the games being issued.  So I was rather behind the times.  Tribunal was on the shelves of recently issued popular games and being offered two for one with MW.  I had been a great Ultima fan until they went Multiplayer and I was not then on the net.  (And somehow multiplayer doesn't yet rock my boat.)  MW was single player RPG so I bought the package.


I still play but only to try out new mods, waiting for Oblivion (or oblivion if that comes first).



Did you say... Ultima? As in Ultima Underworld the stunning abiss? I loved that game! That was one on the best games EVER! That is probably the main reason I bought MW!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The freedom of Daggerfall seduced me.


Morrowind was a natural progression.


Oblivion will rock my boat.



I owned a PC copy of MW like when it 1st came out... played until i hit about level 40 then got bored. ERASED.


Got back from Ibiza this year, was bored had a few spare weeks on my hands. Dished out for an XBOX copy GOTY edition.


Tribunal rox & haven't even started on the bloodmoon expansion yet.


Level 48 so far & i've GM'd all my primary skills.

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I had a friend who was constantly talking about Morrowind before release, showing me links and such, talking about the freedom of the world, the attention to detail etc. This seduced me into buying it a few months after it came out... can't remember why I didn't get it right away, I think I was probably into another game at the time and didn't remember. :P
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I had followed Morrowind's development since about early 2001, after seeing an awesome preview for it in PC Gamer. It looked freaking awesome; so much freedom, and so many books! That's the weird part, the thing that really made me want to get the game was the fact that it included thousands of pages of lore in it. I don't understand why, I don't even like books lol. Anyways, I ended up buying Morrowind a week or two after it came out, having used PC Gamer to verify it's awesomeness before purchase. I can't believe I still play it after all these years.
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The_ragnaroc702 kept on pestering me about it, and I broke down and bought a copy. I played it a little, got bored (mostly since my computer stunk at the time and it always lagged), and promptly lost the play disc. Later on I got a better computer. I hunted for my old play disc but couldn't find it. I then ordered it off Ebay (I hope this ain't advertising). A week later I got it, played it for a while, and promptly became addicted.

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