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Epitaph Suggestions


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Sure thing David, Will keep checking this list and adding all epitaphs I missed and updating credits in the readme. Also (Ugh) found a small GY of maybe 15 stones that I missed (Pure genius here) so that will come in a future date. I was kind of wondering something too, in your guys opinion, how often is too often for an update? :thanks: again for the kind words and such :banana:
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Great work, durham! Here's a few more suggestions-


Alessia Caro, Countess of Leyawiin. The Morag Tong took care of the problem.


Bralsa Andaren. Mauled by the creatures she tried to slaughter. Rest in pieces.


Sinderion the Alchemist. Died in an experimental accident.


Raelynn the Gravefinder. She found one.


Here lies Umbacano. He called the Ayleids friends. They didn't agree.


Ulrich Leland, Guard Captain of Cheydinhal. It was about time.


Here lies J'Skar. You won't see him anymore.


Sacred to the memory of Mucianus Allias. He was a very brave man and mage.


Matthieu Bellamonte. Sent to the Void.



I hope these help!

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Okay, after much consideration of what exactly to do with this mod and how to expand it I have laid out a basic outline of what I want to be accomplished in what order. Here it goes:


Version 1.0

Complete all of the stones (placement & Scripts) in IC - Accomplished, although still need to figure out a better way to handle the Obelisks.


Version 2.0

Complete all of the stones (placement & Scripts) in Tamriel - Accomplished


Version 3.0

Flesh out the Stones Epitaphs - WIP, adding more lifelike epitaph's to each Stone, Flesh it out a bit to make each stone more "Realistic" So to speak.


Version 4.0

Add A "Caretaker/Undertaker" To each Graveyard in the main towns/cities - Not begun yet.


Version 5.0

Add Several quests related to the mod - Not begun yet.


Version 6.0

These are a few general ideas that I have kicking around.

1) Adding some sort of script to the NPC's that, when killed, causes them to be "Buried" In there respective cemetaries i.e. Citizens of Bravil go to the bravil graveyard etc...

2) A New Trade "Undertaker", hey someone has to do it.

3) A New Trade/Option to "Rob Graves" however, the penalty would be of course death.


So, that is the direction I would like to go. Remember, noob here and this is all a learning curve so each task would be approached slowly. Just kicking those ideas around, tell me what you think of them and if you have any more ideas :)


EDIT^ I realized too today that I update a bit too often I think, so I will likely complete both the 3.0 and 4.0 before I update again. What a noob I am haha.

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OK, here are mine:


Helga Storm-Heart

Lost her love, and shortly after, her life.



He shouldn't have tugged that rope

for it was connected to a plank holding bricks up

above his head.


Ariadne Lefevre

Run through by a cutpurse's blade.

Missed by few.

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A few more:


Here lies Cold-Heart, that last frost spell really made it cold.


Here lies Bob, well, he died.


There appears to be some odd oblivion writing on this stone...


Here lies S'Rhaan, Sheogorath sent her back inside out.


Here lies a guy, we dont know him because we lost his head bringing him here.


oh, and if you ever get around to the quests, make one for Z'Khane were you have to bring him his armor and sword before he is truly at peace.

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  SumDude said:
oh, and if you ever get around to the quests, make one for Z'Khane were you have to bring him his armor and sword before he is truly at peace.


You should get extra points for such a nice quest idea.

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Will still be using them all of course :) Right now I am trying to add caretakers to each graveyard. new as can be to all of this umm, can anyone point me towards a good tutorial or two on making npc's andd implementing spoken dialogue by chance? And I will look into the quests such as those SumDude after wards, thank ya :)
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