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Worst injuries?


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When I was 7, I got impaled on a fence in front of my neighbor's house, I had a concussion from a home-made rocket and broke my middle finger by sticking my hand into a concrete mixer.


Can you tell us more about this? I'm genuinely curious about this topic. My brother had to stop playing football in HS after getting concussed.

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When I was 7, I got impaled on a fence in front of my neighbor's house, I had a concussion from a home-made rocket and broke my middle finger by sticking my hand into a concrete mixer.

Can you tell us more about this? I'm genuinely curious about this topic. My brother had to stop playing football in HS after getting concussed.

About the rocket knockout? Alright.


You see, I loved to make stuff when I was a kid, and I still do. One day I thought it would be fun to take apart a bunch of fireworks and put the powder inside a glass Coca Cola bottle thinking it would make a rocket. The assembly went well, used my dad's condom (I had no idea what that was at the time) to close the end of the bottle, and stuck a fuse out.


I made everything right, except for the lack of tail wings to keep it flying in one direction. I lit the fuse, it fell on the side and actually flew away, hit a wall next to the entrance door, hit the ceiling above and smacked me right in the head. There was blood all over and my head hurt like crazy. Not to mention having a balloon head for a week and a huge bruise for a few months, too bad the scar disappeared over time.


The concussion itself is not a painful thing at all, being hit by a bottle is, a brain can't feel a thing. Having a brain concussion disoriented me in space which brought in panic, it made me distracted sometimes, my balance was not as good, I felt tired all the time and I'd black out occasionally. A lighter concussion like mine sorts itself out after a while, for me it was a day, but it made me feel very uncomfortable. Doc said a more severe one would likely leave permanent brain damage ranging from light to severe to vegetable depending on the impact force.


Doc also said to take care of myself but, well, you can see how well that turned out. :laugh:


All in all, I'd say I was lucky for not having permanent damage, and unlucky for getting hit by a flying bottle in the first place. :smile:

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Back when I was younger...... riding my bike home from school, no hands..... and just as I was reaching down to grab the handlebars to turn into my driveway, the neighbors little yappy dog came chasing out after me.. I was distracted by the dog, and didn't see the 2 inch piece of board in front of me.... which of course, I hit, and it immediately dropped me onto my side.... I slid about six feet on the right side of my face. Needless to say... most of the skin was shredded. I left the bike, staggered into the house, watched my mom's eyes about pop out of her head. She ran next door and grabbed a neighbor. He came in, cleaned my wounds (PAINFUL!!!!!), and got me reasonably well cleaned up. The entire right side of my face was one big scab..... and I had to go to school the next day. My first period teacher took one look at me, asked if I was ok... I told him I was fine, for the most part.... his response? "Ok scarface, take yer seat." And that's how I was known the rest of the school year...


I gotta admit, it looked HORRID. Healed up though, and barely left any scars at all.

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Scarface is an awesome nickname! I wish I had it.


I've thought of a few more injuries that escaped me last time:


1. About 3 years ago, our neo-mastiff x ban-dog got into our pig pen and started ravaging all our piglets. He was an absolute monster (a real killing machine) and I happened to be close by to the slaughter, so I jumped the fence into the pen and started punching him in the head to make him stop. Mastiffs, I found, have concrete for skulls and my blows didn't even register in old Duke's head. I broke my hand though.


2. When I was about 10 years old, we lived at a place with a pool and a nearby tall fence. My dad once climbed the fence, balanced on the very top and jumped into the deep end. It looked like so much fun. I actually managed to do the same a few times, and it was indeed very good fun. But, it was very precarious standing on the top - I once lost my balance and jumped out of instinct, landing hard on my heel on the corner of the pool and fell in. While it doesn't sound that bad, it hurt like hell.


3. Head-dives. Don't know what a head-dive is? Its where you dive into water head-first without hands. I've done hundreds and it gives me some kind of weird pleasure when other people splutter and exclaim I am crazy when I do it. Well, one time when we were staying at a resort, it didn't go so well. The ground was slippery and as I made my run-up, I slipped forward and scrapped my chin and knees on the side and slid in. The blood drove some of the tourists away so I was actually happy.


4. Recently, I had a tennis ball in the house and out of boredom, I was pegging it at the wall about 2 metres away and seeing how good my reflexes were. I prided myself as I was able to catch most of them and I grew quite confident. My brother was on the couch talking to me about something, so I didn't pay as much attention to the ball as I should have. I threw it pretty hard at the wall and it bounced back and smacked me in the testicles so hard that I instantly dropped. It was so bad that I thought I was going to vomit, so I rushed to the toilet and sat in there for about half an hour while the pain subsided, much to the amusement and howling laughter of my brother.


The funny thing is, he did it to himself the very next day hahahahaha! :D



Sorry about the wall of text, I get carried away when I tell stories. :P

Edited by billyro
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