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Oblivion voice problems


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Well, your lucky... cuz my mod load order is fine i guess, and all my 236 or so mods are english and i have the same problem... (Kajjit and argonian no voices)

i guess i'm gonna need to uninstall those that i remember altering the Voices on some way... (humm, 236...witch one was it ? lol) Damm it !

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i think i have a solution for the soundbug, you need to unpack the two voices bsa files and export them to your sound folder in the data section, after this your oblivion should recognize the original dialogs even if you have multylingual mods, i had the same problem too, because i had a german version of oblivion.in my case the bug disapeared after unpacking the files to the right folder.i hope it helps. ps: im german so please dont critizice my grammar;)
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  • 10 months later...
  • 8 years later...

I found the mod conflict... was this mod Reaper Souls Sword https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/39648 , the author seems Italian so mess with some language stuff, well anyone who have no Argonian and Khajiit voices see If you have this mod on your load order, uninstalling the mod solved the problem, I hope this help to anyone with same problem, and I guess this is not the only mod do a mess with races and voices so probably If this mod isnt what causes to you have no beast race voices might be another one, what I did to solve it was selecting a bunch of mod making them active and let the rest unselected, then try and try until found the conflict mod, a weapon mod is the last mod I could think have a conflict with npc voices but it was the responsible

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