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erm well im doing the first Redoran quest for Athyn Sarethi where u go 2 save his son... ive got him and im in the process of evacuating him from the building - then the NPCs start doing odd things... attacking me, then when i hit them with my fire damage iron warhammer all i get is the fire damage, not an actual hit then they go away... then they instantly re-arm their swords and go after the son. so i hit them. the same happens again... could this be one of the infamous plugin conflicts or what? :blink: the only ones i have running on this char are:









A good place to stay (non-teleport version)

AV_female_armor (female armour meshes)


well? any ideas? seems a pretty abstract conflict if it is one... :blink:

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This shouldn't be a spoiler, but umm.......






The guards are supposed to attack Sarethi on sight (you are freeing a convicted criminal). What I dis was just keep Sarethi on my tail, bypass the guards and get to the nearest door. Sarethi should appear in the next room with you. Do this until you exit the manor. Make sure Sarethi is fairly close to you, though, or else he'll stay in the last room.


This way you bypass all the guards and still complete the quest.


I'm not sure why the regular weapons damage doesn't work....

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Not sure about the damage thing, it worked okay when I did it. Sounds like you are right with the plugin conflict.


As Fox said they attack Sarethi on sight, I just made sure he was behind me and ran at them and killed them first, before they go to Sarethi. You could also try Paralysing them for a while and then making a run for it

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well in my experience sarethi just stops and fights the guards til he drops dead and doesnt follow u into the next room unless u can get them off him (ive done this quest b4) im wondering if using a weapon without an enchantment will work...


EDIT: hmm nope that didnt work but i did manage 2 get him 2 follow me out without much of a fight. yay! :P thanks 4 ur suggestions

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