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Still haven't figured that one out, eh? If I remember correctly, we ruled out the concept of it being something to do with the WorldSpace when we last discussed this, so it'll have to be something to do with the explosion. If you re-create your explosion by copying the Megaton Nuke explosion and it still doesn't appear when the only difference is the model, then it must be due to the model. If this is the case, which I think is likely, try opening your explosion and the Megaton Nuke explosion in NifSkope and compare the differences. It's quite likely that there's a flag somewhere that will trigger the behaviour that you're looking for.




That sounds possible to me, although it'd probably be quite difficult to implement for both the player and NPCs. As you've said, you'd need to use a scripted token in order to catch when the equipped items of a certain actor change, and then check if they have equipped something that they should be allowed to wear and unequip it if this is not the case (possible re-equipping the old equipment). Because this would probably lead to quite a few scripts running each frame, one thing that you'll want to keep in mind is that you should use early "Return" statements where you can so that the script is only processed when it needs to be. In this case, you'll want to use a "Return" statement if the equipment hasn't changed, so that the majority of the script will only be processed if the equipment has been changed.


Form Lists would be a good way to go about grouping equipment, although this wouldn't allow for you to account for modded equipment so you'll probably just have to make some assumptions about them, perhaps looking at their weight or just making modded equipment "one size fits all".




It sounds to me like the problem you're experiencing is due to the save that you're loading. If, in your save, Nova has already been loaded then her inventory won't be re-evaluated when you load your game so her outfit will remain the same. Try selecting her in the console and calling ResetInventory on her to reset her inventory.




When you install the DLC, they are not installed to your data folder. Instead, they are installed to a hidden folder managed by GFWL. I don't remember off the top of my head where exactly the folder is, but I do know that more recent versions of FOMM will offer to move your DLC files into your Data folder. If, for some reason, this is not an option, then searching for something along the lines of "Location of Fallout 3 DLC" should turn up something.


It's also worth noting that in order to load multiple master files in the GECK you need to make the following change to your GECKCustom.ini file (in the same directory as your "Saves" folder):



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Hi Erikdeda1,


There are a couple of ways that you could do this, depending on how you want to dispense the item. The basic structure to limit it to once an hour could go something like this:

float fReactivationTime

Begin OnActivate player

if GameDaysPassed >= fReactivationTime
	set fReactivationTime to GameDaysPassed + 0.4167 ; 0.4167 days is 10 hours
	; Dispense Lunch Pack


The code that actually dispenses the object will change depending on if you want to add it to a container for the player to collect or if you want to spawn one in the game world for the player to pick up directly.


The place one in a container, you'll want to call the AddItem function on a container, whereas if you want to spawn one in the game world you'll want to call the PlaceAtMe function on a marker.



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I'm sure these are mod bugs, just can't figure out which mod.


1) What's the mod that causes the fallout 3 main title music to loop/still play even after loading save game?

2) What's the mod that causes water to explode whenever you're in water?


Planning on fixing some minor annoyances, so please if anyone have any ideas, do reply. Thank you in advance.

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I've seen the bug with menu music still playing after loading a save myself, and I've seen it reported as a bug elsewhere. As far as I know, it is completely unrelated to mods. I'm also almost certain there isn't a mod that does this specifically. I've never heard of a mod that causes water to explode when you enter it.


If you're looking for particular mods, try asking in the What Mod is this? thread over in the "General Modification Talk" forum.



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No, for the water exploding one isn't a mod that I want, it's one of the mods that caused water to explode when you're in contact with water, a bug. Anyway, another quick question, I'm trying to add heavy breathing sound effect when you're close to death specific for both male and female, is there a way to do so? To specify males to play male.wav and females to play female.wav.
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The health levels at which the "heartbeat" sounds play are controlled by the game settings "fPlayerHealthHeartbeatFast" and "fPlayerHealthHeartbeatSlow", so the first step in such a script would be detecting when the player's health is within the appropriate range. Once that is the case, a timer would run repeatedly so that PlaySound would be called regularly, with the sound it plays depending on the player's gender.


Try using something like this:

float fTimer

Begin GameMode

if player.GetHealthPercentage > GetGameSetting fPlayerHealthHeartbeatSlow
	if fTimer
		set fTimer to 0

set fTimer to fTimer + GetSecondsPassed

if fTimer > (0.5 - 0.3 * (player.GetHealthPercentage <= GetGameSetting fPlayerHealthHeartbeatFast)) ; Every 0.5 seconds for slow; Every 0.2 seconds for fast
	set fTimer to 0
	if GetPCIsSex Male
		PlaySound <MaleBreathing>
		PlaySound <FemaleBreathing>


You'll want to use a quest script for this one, with the script processing time set low enough that the timer will work with decent accuracy. The times probably aren't exactly what you want, so play around with them a bit until it sounds about right.



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