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Quick Question, is there anyway to get a head part onto a creature like a protectron? I made one called Asimov and would like to give him some 'fake' mutton chops lol. Also is there any way I could edit it so that a protectron is shooting fire out its hands?
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Is there any way, ingame to see what scripts are running via the console or something?


(one of my many mods has some kind of constantly running script that chokes the game, especially in interiors, and near large groups of friendlies)

Here are the console functions that you can use to check on scripts that are running:

Quick Question, is there anyway to get a head part onto a creature like a protectron? I made one called Asimov and would like to give him some 'fake' mutton chops lol. Also is there any way I could edit it so that a protectron is shooting fire out its hands?
Creatures can't use "head parts" in the same way as NPCs can, but you should be able to add the hair to the mesh that the creature uses. I'm not sure how you could do this though, as it's not really something I'm experienced with.


To make the creature shoot fire from its hands, you'll want to give it weapons that shoot fire projectiles (check the flamer) and are embedded in the hands of the protectron (check ProtectronHandLaser1HP). You'll also need to change the "Weapon List" of your creature so that it includes this new embedded weapon.



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You give an enchantment to the blast so the enchantment does the effect, give the enchantment say, a duration of 2 secs, and use a timer and getsecondspassed to use the blast every second (instead of every frame).

Should be pretty harmless to framerate if you do so.

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Sorry to ask again, but I was wondering how do you get rid of a generic dialog for one NPC without wrecking the others? Also how can I speed up an NPC's walking speed. Sorry if these seem like noobish questions I'm just trying to get these robots to function right lol. Another idea I would like help solving as well (editting message), I would like for one of my robots to be able to have the radio playing from him (maybe make a script for the player to go into sneak mode inorder to activate/deactive the radio?). Also ( I know sry but I have alot of questions that keep coming up lol), is there a script for the scrap metal collection, for example you bring a certain NPC scrap metal and he/she gives you caps and such.
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To increase the walking speed of an actor, you'll need to change their "SpeedMult[" AV. You can change this AV in the GECK or via script, but if you change it via script you'll have to also cause one of a few events to take place in order for the engine to reevaluate the effect of "SpeedMult" on that actor. As far as I remember, these events consist of:

  • Changing one of the two movement AVs - "LeftMobilityCondition" or "RightMobilityCondition"
  • Toggling "sneak mode"
  • Drawing or holstering a weapon

Have a look at how eyebots are set up to see how you can have your robot act as a radio. I'm fairly certain that you'll want to use the SetNPCRadio function for this.


When you give Walter (for example) scrap metal, the dialogue result script for the appropriate topic calls SetStage to set the stage of "FreeformMegaton". When the stage is set, the result script for that stage runs, which sets a few quest variables, adds caps to the player's inventory, and removes spare parts from their inventory.


Hope that helps.



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