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I'm trying to get a weapon to have a chance of making the hit enemy join, my faction and stop attacking.


When I couldn't get that working I tried making the character have a 10% chance of casting a spell that does the same thing. Neither seem to work, at all. Ideas?



yada yada yada

BEGIN OnHit <----- This is your problem

more yada yada yada


OnHit runs on NPCs and perhaps some objects, it runs when the object is hit.

If you want to add the effect to a weapon, add an object effect (either as enchantment or on critical), that haves a base effect, that is your script. The script should use a "scripteffectstart" block



SCN JesusScript

;Follower Variables
short HasBeenHired
short WeaponOut
short CombatStyleRanged
short CombatStyleMelee
short IsFollowingDefault
short IsFollowingLong
short IsFollowingShort
short Waiting
short PlayerTeamate

;Cast Convert Var's
float Timer
short iRandom
ref Target

BEGIN GameMode

set iRandom to GetRandomPercent
	if (JesusREF.IsInCombat == 1)
		if(iRandom < 10)
			set Target to GetCombattarget
			cast JesusConvert Target



Cast doesn't work. Use:

Target.Castimmediateonself JesusConvert


Ofc, this will give no animation whatsoever for jesus' casting


The effect haves to be an actor effect with self range btw.



Another problem.

I need a Perk to add a "Button Press Listener" to the player, either by a spell, item or however. I can't figure out how to do this. Every way I have tried pressing the button does nothing. :wallbash:


You don't really need a perk for this, in fact, avoid using perks at all unless strictly necessary. They make your mod crash people's games when they remove it. If you do use perks, offer a method of uninstall that removes the perks from the player.



"Button Press Listener" is made with FOSE and a gamemode or scripteffectupdate block, in either an object, actor effect or quest.

short doonce

Begin GameMode
If (IsKeyPressed == <key's scan code>)
	if (doonce)
	Set doonce to 1
	<do stuff when you press the key>
	set doonce to 0

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Alternately, you could script the NPC so that, when the player activates them, the key is removed from their inventory. You could then add it back again afterwards in one of a few ways. I would recommend that, when you remove the key, add a token (an unplayable, therefore invisible, piece of armour) to the NPC that is scripted to add the key and remove itself as soon as GameMode is resumed. Of course, this approach would only work on a specific actor.


Since the idea of a "button press listener" has been brought up, I think I'll share mine, as it's a little more compact that TGBlank's, although the concept is the same. Using the "N" key as an example:

int iIsNPressed

Begin GameMode
if iIsNPressed != IsKeyPressed 49 ; N
	set iIsNPressed to iIsNPressed == 0
	if iIsNPressed
		; Code placed here will run when "N" is pressed
		; Code placed here will run when "N" is released


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Argh. This Night Vision thing is really annoying me.


Basically I want a perk to add the ability of NightVision to my player. This ability uses the NightVisionEff. NightVisionEff use NightVisionScript.


Here is NightVisionScript:

SCN NightVisionScript

short NVOn
short DoOnce

BEGIN ScriptEffectStart
ShowMessage NightVisionAdd

BEGIN ScriptEffectUpdate

if (Player.HasPerk NightVision == 1)
	If (IsKeyPressed 49)
		if (doonce)
		Set doonce to 1
			if (NVOn == 0)
				imod NightVisionSFX
				set NVOn to 1
				showMessage NightVisionOn
			elseif (NVOn == 1)
				rimod NightVisionSFX
				set NVOn to 0
				showMessage NightVisionOff
		set doonce to 0



When adding the perk to my player, nothing happens. Where have I gone wrong?

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SCN NightVisionScript

short NVOn
short DoOnce

BEGIN ScriptEffectStart
Printc "Effect added"

BEGIN ScriptEffectUpdate
If (IsKeyPressed 49)
	if (doonce)
	printc "N pressed"
	Set doonce to 1
	if (NVOn == 0)
		imod NightVisionSFX
		set NVOn to 1
		Printc "should be on"
		rimod NightVisionSFX
		set NVOn to 0
		Printc "should turn off"
	set doonce to 0
	printc "N released"


(1) Try with this one. Add the perk, then open the console, see if any text appeared. If "Effect added" doesn't appear, you're failing at adding the effect to the player.

If it does appear, close console and press n for a second, then release it. If you got your imod running, do the polka dance. If not, open the console and see if any new lines where added, if they where, post them here.

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Nevermind. I've got it all sorted. The Actor Effect wasn't set as an ability which it needed to be. :o All sorted now! My Night Vision Perk is complete.
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