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Is there a script command to easily Remove Topic in dialogue? I know I could do it by creating a quest variable, making LineA conditional on that variable and then use LineB to modify the variable, but thought there might be something like a removetopic command that would save a step(?)
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There are no functions for editing dialogue - you cannot do this via script. The only way in which dialogue can be given conditions is directly via there conditions, as you have mentioned, they cannot otherwise be edited via functions.



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Yes, here is how to do it in the GECK:

  • Open up the Data window (File > Data) end select your data file
  • Click on the "Details..." button to open the File Details window
  • Find the edit that you wish to remove from your data file and highlight it
  • Press the delete key, and select "Yes" when prompted
  • That edit will now be marked as ignored, and will be deleted from your data file when it is next saved

Here is how to do it in FO3Edit:

  • Open up your plugin in FO3Edit
  • Find the edit that you wish to remove from your data file and right-click on it
  • Select "Remove" and, when prompted, select "Yes I'm absolutely sure", then "Yes" when prompted
  • Save your plugin


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Hi, sorry to ask another question but is there someway I could make a power armor a static object? I know there is one for the enclave and the winterized tb-51 but i was curious if i could do it to the others, as well is there someway I could script a NPC to run over to me and talk to me, after I talked to a certain NPC. Also thank you to those who have been answering my quetsion up until now, I don't think I say that often lol.
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The script seems to work fine whenever I don't add the token. When I comment out the line that specifically adds it, it works.


Here's the script

scn FireLightUnlightScript

Begin ScriptEffectStart

;addItem FireToken 1
PMS Flames01
PMS Smoke01
CIOS FlamerEffectSpell


Begin ScriptEffectFinish
	;removeItem FireToken 1
	IF getItemCount FireToken == 0
		SMS Smoke01
		SMS Flames01
		Dispel FlamerEffectSpell



The FlamerEffectSpell is simply there for compatibility sake.


Obviously I experience the crash when I don't comment out the addItem function.

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that code shouldn't be causing the trouble. How do you have the token set up?



make a static object with the armor's mesh, check how the item-giving woman of megaton or lucas simms are made to do exactly what you want.

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