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thought so, i wanted to make that if you wear some types of helmet you get a hud view, like the power armor or stuff like tht. but ill try rigging a headhear item model and make it dissapear if you view it in third, but idk about collinsion. ty anyway, still looking so if anyone know feel free to post it. By the way how can i force aim position?
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thought so, i wanted to make that if you wear some types of helmet you get a hud view, like the power armor or stuff like tht. but ill try rigging a headhear item model and make it dissapear if you view it in third, but idk about collinsion. ty anyway, still looking so if anyone know feel free to post it. By the way how can i force aim position?

That could be a cool effect - worth trying to do if it's feasible.

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Basically I want to do this.

if Player.GetCombatTarget.GetIsCreature == 0
set blah to Player.GetCombatTarget.getav (insert AV here)

Or something along those lines if you know what I mean.

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Simple Question:


My daughter got a hold of my keyboard and now when I move objects in the GECK render window they turbo across the window after barely moving my mouse. Very sensitive now...


I've looked but can't find the hotkey to slow movement back down. Quick answer anyone?



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Try right-clicking on the render window and change the options.


That was it...found the option after right clicking on it. All this stuff you get into and the simplest answer eluded me...


Thank you TGBlank.

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You can't object.object.variable, or object.<function that returns an object>.variable. You need to use a temporal variable.

Other than that, getcombattarget on the player is HIGHLY unreliable, i devised a method for that that works better.. hmm, check this thread:





Nope, onequip does tho

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