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Dear Cipscis,


Could you tell me where to find a list of geck functions and what they do exactly? I am specifically looking answers for these:


Values in FWE that I think I want to change are:

fSneakBaseValue -40.0 (Vanilla -35.0)

fSneakBootWeightBase 1.0 (Vanilla 12.0) <- from 12 to 1 ???

fSneakBootWeightMult 1.5 (Vanilla 0.5)

fSneakMaxDistance 1800.0 (Vanilla 2500.0)

fSneakRunningMult 3.0 (Vanilla 1.5)


I has tried the GECK wiki and I phail miserablé as usual. Plox halp me!!!1


Please help me Cipscis-Wan Kudos'i - You're my only hope!

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Cipscis, I ran into another problem:


scriptname Steak


float fReactivationTime


Begin OnActivate player


if GameDaysPassed >= fReactivationTime

set fReactivationTime to GameDaysPassed + 0.4167 ; 0.4167 days is 10 hours

player.additem Steak 1; Dispense Spaghetti

ShowMessage SteakDone


elseif GameDaysPassed <= fReactivationTime

ShowMessage SteakNotDone






The message that is supposed to appear only if the Steak isn't ready or during the 10h limit appears even when the 10h limit is over or when the Steak is ready so every time I take or don't take some steak 2 messages appear. How should I fix this?

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You can find any documented game settings on the GECK Wiki on the Settings page, although I don't think many of those ones are documented there. I'm not particularly familiar with any of them, so I'd have to guess at their purpose in the absence of any testing. Your best bet would probably be to contact the authors of FWE.




I never use FOMM's plugin editor myself, so I'm not familiar with its error messages. Could you describe what you're trying to do when the error messages appear and paste the entire error message here?




Because you've used an "endif" statement for both your "if" statement and your "elseif" statement, your script basically runs like this:

ScriptName Steak

float fReactivationTime

Begin OnActivate player

if GameDaysPassed >= fReactivationTime
	set fReactivationTime to GameDaysPassed + 0.4167 ; 0.4167 days is 10 hours
	player.AddItem Steak 1 ; Dispense Spaghetti
	ShowMessage SteakDone
ShowMessage SteakNotDone


The GECK compiler ignores errors like this, although you can catch them if you use my Script Validator.


Instead of using multiple "endif" statements, you want to use only one "endif" statement per "if" statement. So, in this case:

ScriptName Steak

float fReactivationTime

Begin OnActivate player

if GameDaysPassed >= fReactivationTime
	set fReactivationTime to GameDaysPassed + 0.4167 ; 0.4167 days is 10 hours
	player.AddItem Steak 1 ; Dispense Spaghetti
	ShowMessage SteakDone
	ShowMessage SteakNotDone


I've also changed your "elseif" to an "else", as the condition you were checking will always return 1 if the first condition does not, so it would be inefficient to check it a second time.


P.S. Please use code or codebox tags when posting code. This ensures that it uses a fixed-width font and maintains whitespace to make it easier to read.



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Just tested it in the console and it does seem as though they don't work.


If you need to create a reference in a "safe" location with specified distance and direction, you could try using SetPos to place a marker approximately where you want to spawn the reference, then call PlaceAtMe on the marker.



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I am currently making a mod that features a boss with a unique battle theme. While I have gotten the song to play and loop at the appropriate time, it keeps getting cut off halfway through the fight by the regular battle music. Is there any way to prevent the regular battle music from starting during a single battle?


Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

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Just tested it in the console and it does seem as though they don't work.


If you need to create a reference in a "safe" location with specified distance and direction, you could try using SetPos to place a marker approximately where you want to spawn the reference, then call PlaceAtMe on the marker.





a pitty but on the other side good that is bugged and I won't have to debug the hole script. I did a workaround with getpos and setpos. thx for the clarification cipscis.... got me pm regarding that animation post?

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