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My games file : Spam? Legal? Free?


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The site http://www.mygamesfile.com/ says it has lots of games (like Crysis, Spore, ...) and that you can download them for free and, even stranger, completely legal. I can hardly believe this is legal as these games are still for sale in many shops at high prices.


However, I've seen many advertisements about this particular website. If it would be illegal, then it would already be destroyed.


What is your opinion about My Games File?







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I have serious doubts that that is legal. Especially since those are recent releases. It would probably be legal if the site gave a share of their profits to the game company, but since these are free they can't really do that. As for why it's still up, it's probably because the legal teams of the game industry haven't discovered it yet. And besides, if they sue it and get it to close down, it's not exactly going to make a big dent in piracy. Most pirates get their games from torrent sites, which are technically legal. (BTW admins, I hope I'm not saying anything off limits here)
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There are other programs which do something similar, but they're only legal with the permission of the game publisher - ie, if they pay.


And as I havent heard of it, chances are this 'client' is just malware of some kind, and the entire site's a fake.


I think so too. But is is strange that I've seen so many advertisements for this site, while it's fake!

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I have serious doubts that that is legal. Especially since those are recent releases. It would probably be legal if the site gave a share of their profits to the game company, but since these are free they can't really do that. As for why it's still up, it's probably because the legal teams of the game industry haven't discovered it yet. And besides, if they sue it and get it to close down, it's not exactly going to make a big dent in piracy. Most pirates get their games from torrent sites, which are technically legal. (BTW admins, I hope I'm not saying anything off limits here)


The sites themselves are perfectly legal and no company in the world will be able to bring the majority of them down, as the sites completely shift the content responsibility to the users and are not held liable for any of the distribution, but that also means they don't offer any kind of protection to their site users, which means it's a double-edged sword. Torrenting itself is perfectly legal and was developed for legal file distribution as a fast p2p method, however it was also quickly taken by the pirating party of the internet users.


Great example of this is a site I know, that had it's server machines taken by the police in Sweden and the people running the servers were sued. The case ended up in the favor of people running the site, Sweden paid about ~3,000,000€ as financial losses etc. and the servers were back up in Denmark roughly about 2 days after the incident had started.(The server machines also hosted a multitude of legal services, with monthly bandwith use exceeding 1000TB in total. One of the services was hosting legal sites, forums etc. and one of those was the guild website of some of my friends on World of Warcraft, which led to the guild losing track of over 3 years of raiding data.[TCC=The Core Crew, swedish raid guild Stormreaver EU]) The incident wasn't shown around much in the media, due to how big of a problem piracy already is and this was a pretty crushing victory for people using torrents.




P.S. The name of the site is left unmentioned due to forum rules.

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I think I know the site you're talking about there Elraine. It didn't actually win that - it was taken to court as a result of those raids. The verdict is due on the 17th actually, so we'll see if its legal or not soon.


The only way a site like this could be considered legal, is if it does not host any copyrighted material itself at all - this My Games File site sounds to me like it does. Torrent sites have a defense, because they dont actually host the data themselves, only a .torrent file, which is basically a link to the data on the users computers. If a site offers downloads from its own server, however, it is illegal.

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