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it possible to change an npc's race ingame?


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Hey Well I may have found a run around way too answer your question I just like to experiment and try new idea's. I have two options actually that I know of at this time Well make that four depending on your Knowledge of programming and know how so to say. I'll Explain the most easy one first And yes this is in game create None Player Custom Race. Now Whether you use, say cute elf. Im not sure if the talking thing will work or not however the text does work fine. I recommend Talkie toaster for this trick by the way. In order to make a custom NPC in the game is too And Yes Use Consul command however Empty your inventory first if you plan on using Talkie toaster or that companion share and recruit mod. This will prevent a crash which I'll explain shortly. Well Also too keep you from that get rich quick scheme hahaha. Alright so once your inventory is empty hit the ( ~ ) key you know the Little button right below the Esc, this button will work too ( ` ) because there both on the same key. Once you have done that Start thinking how you want your NPC too look like Keep in mind your gonna have too recreate your own player character in the end but hey small price right plus just jot down all the number settings and reply it later to get yourself back to the way you looked before your new NPC's. Alright..... Cool. So having that in mind hit SHOWRACEMENU get that out of the way then look at yourself and see if you are like WOW or Hmm I dont know kinda thing. Once you Swear up and down that you have Zee most awesome Looking NPC in Ze world Stop right there.... Take a deep breath Exhale slowly. alright thats the second task you just accomplished congrats:) Now onto the final steps in that Counsel mode click yourself you will know you did once you see your Charter name appear at the top of the screen once you see that your charter has just been activated By the great and Powerful Oblivion GOD Whether that is you or not depends on how well you use good old common sense and following written instruction's. So now that you character has been activated type SetFullActorName then hit the spacebar and type a new name for your NPC After that hit the enter button and that should be all set (^_^) Mmkay now you are gonna wanna type in CreateFullActorCopy then hit enter then it's all like Click Click BOOM. And let the Body's hit the floor n stuff hahaha not really or Maybe thats up too you. After you exit counsel menu your new Custom Race Companion will Magically appear Using the Companion share and recruit mod works awesome Just as good as the CM mod and they do not conflict so its best too get them both in opinion anyway Do this as many times as you want bro Create an army cause all chaos and mayhem . Now The whole Inventory thing Is because you wanna go in too there stuff and the the createfullactorcopy think will also duplicate all your items too that new NPC as well and therefore is your potential crash. Well He or she will be Naked but he just think of giving Birth to the NPC or something or your wife NPC did Well Cloning yourself you know whatever foats your boat in in your all happy about it in stuff haha. Well Im getting too tired too type about my other idea's so if you like this one just reply me back and I'll gladly share my other ones (^_*) Hopefully this gets your Gears a moving and processing to come up with better ones then mine haha which would be awesome :) Alright happy Ventures
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