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Wanting to play as a merchant...


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Cosmic Trade Exchange by AghnaaMareth, adds an interesting system into the game, shall i say, auction house or torrent net of some sort. Basically you can trade whatever you want, for various mercantiles (coins ingots, precious gems, black gemstones) without going into town to merchant, if you like to roleplay a, greedy merchat who doesent mind entering a borderline evil tertories of necromancy/ conjuration to obtain goods. I suggest to read all the description on the mod page, its really interesting.


Bank of skyrim. Alo great mod that adds bankers into towns. You can invest varoius amounts of money for various periods of days, and depends on how your money will do, you can gain or loose interest. If your investment will make money, you can ollect it at the end of said period of time.

Edited by lambrioza
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Did you try Dynamic Merchants? I was put off by the fact it hasn't been updated since February, 2012, so there have been several patches and changes to Papyrus since then and at the time I was avoiding scripted mods that were not recent due to possible problems with stability and bloating.


I tried Dynamic Merchants, I think it worked... but then I found Trade and Barter as well as NPC Bartering.





Cosmic Trade Exchange by AghnaaMareth, adds an interesting system into the game, shall i say, auction house or torrent net of some sort. Basically you can trade whatever you want, for various mercantiles (coins ingots, precious gems, black gemstones) without going into town to merchant, if you like to roleplay a, greedy merchat who doesent mind entering a borderline evil tertories of necromancy/ conjuration to obtain goods. I suggest to read all the description on the mod page, its really interesting.




Bank of skyrim. Alo great mod that adds bankers into towns. You can invest varoius amounts of money for various periods of days, and depends on how your money will do, you can gain or loose interest. If your investment will make money, you can ollect it at the end of said period of time.


Never even thought about the Bank mod, thank you. I will check out the Auction house one as well.



Cosmic Trade Exchange seems a bit cheap... but it looks fun, I'll give it a try. Nevermind, if an inventory full of bandit gear can net me 2.7mil in gold, it's too much for me.

Edited by LordKhaos333
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Yes, if you use empowering items like gems and your soul while you have a lot of dragonsouls absorbed, and if you invested in the network, it can be immersion breaking when u get few milion of gold, Becouse all of those things multiply the reward you get. Best result i get is when i dont invest and use the network as a guest in the basic mode w/o gems or soul essence and any boosts. Also remember that the cosmic trade network fluctuation of the price everytime you use it, can be from 0%(or less) to 600%, that mean u can get varying results. for a 10-20 very very very good selfmade gear, and im talking about items with multiple enchants, i usually get around 15-30k. And that may seem its a lot of money, however i use mods like Expensive Investments and Trade and Barter , so for example a simple fury spell cost me 7k gold, breezehouse costs 50k gold, etc
Also i never take coin as a reward, but usually gems or ingots, that i can sell or make other items from them, its not a instant gratification that way, since the price of for example selling amethysts, will be further influenced by your speechcraft etc :tongue:

oh and also another mods i forgot to mention that can empower your merchant playthrough :


Buy Whiterun 2, is a mod that adds few building outside whiterun, adds bank in which u can store your money, and buy various titles, from baron to knight, for a lot of money, which give you a daily pension and other gratification that jarl of whiterun provides.


Real estate, s a mod that allows you to buy almost every building in skyrim, and make profits by renting them to people

Edited by lambrioza
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I'm actually working on a mod which allows for profitable trading between holds. It's inspired by Economics of Skyrim's regional price differences, but it's a lot more nuanced and fleshed out, for the purpose of playing as a merchant.


I'm hoping to have it out for testing in the next few weeks, so keep an eye out for Trade Routes.

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