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The LOD objects won't unload?


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So, I'm having this strange issue with my Commonwealth, where the LOD is abhorrently visible, and doesn't unload long until after I enter a cell. I've tried validating my files, and unistalling any mods that affect the Commonwealth worldspace, but so far nothing's worked. I figured I'd ask around here and see if anyone might have any suggestions.


I'll attach an image of what my game looks like. Oddly enough I don't even have a mod that gives the Commonwealth autumn trees, so their presence is strange in of itself.

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I had this problem on top of bridges, and such. Even standing on the bridge, the LOD did not unload. There were some ini settings I had to change, but, I can't find that thread now....

Could I borrow your ini file? I haven't made any manual changes to mine, so swapping it out for another shouldn't cause any unseen issues.

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I have made a BUNCH of changes to mine..... :smile: Not sure it would help you. Likely cause more issues than it solves. Try playing with these two settings.




No worries! I'll start messing around with those ini settings tonight, I'll see if I can make any headway

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