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(possibly a mod request) is there a auto melee mod?


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Well you can hold the attack button down with vanilla game , and it continually swings.

But will be slower than spamming the attack button.

Also appears to only do the initial swing from right screen to left. And in the case of the baseball bat , gets a power attack every 3rd swing ? (quick seems to me method)

So in order to get the left to right swing ... attack button has to be pressed again during the first animation sequence ( another seems to me guess )


I tried flagging a few weapons with "Automatic" & or putting their "Attack Anim" on "Attack Loop"

But all those cases broke the game in varying degrees .


My only guess for having regular mele weapons as automatic ... like the few that are automatic ( chainsaw / thermic lance / etc ... ? )

Would be to run a script using "TapControl" but with special timing per weapon .

So sort of a lot of work to avoid having to tap the button per swing , if wanting it to be available across a lot of diff weaps .

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I'd be a bit careful with that, NPCs are unable to initiate dialogue while you're swinging a weapon, walk around like that and you might miss something.


Ya the gain of not having to tap the attack button ... is certainly not worth what you lose.

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