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npcs and illusion


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i would like to suggest a mechanic of giving npcs altered frenzy/calm/fear spells that work on the player. perhaps they could be added to them along with the regular spells so they can also manipulate other npcs.


frenzy could edit the player's faction settings to be hostile to all other actors.


fear could disable all weapons and spells, hopefully forcing you to run.


calm would do the same thing as fear, but set you to be friendly to most actors. taking damage would end the effect prematurely, as happens with calm.


i apologize for my own ignorance; i don't know if this is actually possible or practical. but for me few things broke immersion more than being the only individual in the world capable of using most illusion spells.


another, semi related thing is to allow high leveled npcs to summon dremora lords, just like the player can.

Edited by axfvh
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It might be more practical for Frenzy to add the PC to a faction that all factions are hostile towards. Because there's no way to force the player to attack anyone specific, making everyone else attack them makes the most sense IMO. But there's still nothing stopping the player from running away while they're supposed to be frenzied. Basically Frenzied becomes Fear.


As for Calm, I think the way you described is the best way to mimic the effects the spell has on NPCs. No weapons out means no combat. But again, nothing's stopping the player from running away whenever they want, which again basically turns Calm into Fear as well.


Fear is the only one I see being easily forced on the player by artificially inflating the combat difficulty for the spell's duration. Force it up to Legendary to give the player incentive to run away from combat and take shelter. Even just reducing the player's damage output to Legendary levels would be enough, I think, without making enemies overpowered. Either that or actually turn the ideas used for Calm into Fear - if the player has to sheathe all their weapons and spells, they're defenseless and had really better get out of the line of fire. Especially if you half the player's armour rating at the same time.


Basically, there are any number of ways you could force Fear on the player, but the others seem much more difficult to implement in any real, feasible way. In particular, somehow preventing the player from just running away as if under Fear.

Edited by Hyacathusarullistad
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It might be more practical for Frenzy to add the PC to a faction that all factions are hostile towards. Because there's no way to force the player to attack anyone specific, making everyone else attack them makes the most sense IMO.

this was more or less what i meant, sorry if i wasn't clear enough. the main thing is that i think faction changes would be the key to make it work




As for Calm, I think the way you described is the best way to mimic the effects the spell has on NPCs. No weapons out means no combat. But again, nothing's stopping the player from running away whenever they want, which again basically turns Calm into Fear as well.

yeah i think that would be good, along with maybe stopping combat and setting the player's relationships to be friendly to all factions until/unless someone else attacks first, if it's at all possible




Fear is the only one I see being easily forced on the player by artificially inflating the combat difficulty for the spell's duration. Force it up to Legendary to give the player incentive to run away from combat and take shelter. Even just reducing the player's damage output to Legendary levels would be enough, I think, without making enemies overpowered. Either that or actually turn the ideas used for Calm into Fear - if the player has to sheathe all their weapons and spells, they're defenseless and had really better get out of the line of fire. Especially if you half the player's armour rating at the same time.

that might work, but you could still in theory fight on even when so disadvantaged - i think it might be more faithful to the original effect to make the player sheathe weapons like with calm but keeping enemies hostile so your only options are to run or take it

Edited by axfvh
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