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Possible to duplicate myself?


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Howdy doody! I'm making a kind of 'vanilla magic extended' mod with some cool new stuff and want to make a 'doppelganger' spell. Shivering Isles achieved this for Symbols of Office quest but i'm unsure how it was done. I checked the CS (quest "SE11") but i'm struggling to find how it was done.


Frankly I suck at scripting and baffled by papyrus, so as much of a long shot as this I would like to ask any skilled scripters if they would be prepared to convert this TES4 script to work as a spell in skyrim? I would obviously give credits for your work, this is just something i've been after for some time and would fit in really well with a massive lore-friendly magic overhaul (what i'm going for).


Here is the long and scary script anyway, of course chunks of it aren't needed and don't know if this would even work but would be great to have if it did,



scn SE11bStandingStoneScript

short 	StandingStoneActivate	;Controls standing stone state
short	DopplegangerRandom 	;Set to 1 to begin random doppleganger creation
short	Dice							;Used for random doppleganger creation
short	DopplegangerHealth		;Variable for holding the doppleganger's health
short	DopplegangerSpeed		;Variable for holding the doppleganger's speed
short	PrefersBlunt				;Set to 1 if blunt skill is higher than blade
short	PrefersBlade				;Set to 1 if blade skill is higher than blunt
short 	doOnce						;Internal control variable
short 	Tick							;Internal control variable

float 	RandomTimer
float 	timer							;Timer

ref 	SE11DopplegangerRef 		;Reference variable for doppleganger


		SE11DopplegangerRef.AddSpell SE11DopplegangerSpell


BEGIN GameMode
;this block creates and sets the doppleganger

	if ( doOnce == 0 )
		;creates doppleganger and applies effects
		set SE11DopplegangerRef to player.CreateFullActorCopy 
		SE11DopplegangerRef.AddSpell SE11DopplegangerSpell

		;Doubles the dopplegangers health for balance
		set DopplegangerHealth to ( Player.GetBaseAv Health * 2 )
		SE11DopplegangerRef.SetAv Health DopplegangerHealth

		;Halves the dopplegangers speed for balance
		set DopplegangerSpeed to ( Player.GetBaseAv Speed / 2 )
		SE11DopplegangerRef.SetAv Speed DopplegangerSpeed

		;Determines the preferred weapon for the doppleganger
		if Player.GetAv Blade >= Player.GetAv Blunt
			set PrefersBlade to 1
			set PrefersBlunt to 1

		;moves doppleganger to holding pen
		SE11DopplegangerRef.moveto SE11bDopplegangerHoldingMarker

		;Removes quest items, problem spells, and problem items from doppleganger
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem DASkullCorruption 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem DAClavicusUmbraSword 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem DAWabbajack01 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem FGD03BWCBlade 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem MG03Staff 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem MG08Staff 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem Dark01KnifeBlade 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem OldDAVolendrung 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem MS40Dagger 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem FGC06WeapSteelLongsword 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem FGC06WeapSteelWarhammer 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem FGC06WeapSteelBow 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem SE09BreathNet 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem FGD03BlackwoodShield 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem DAGoldbrand 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem DASanguineRose 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem MGStaffofWorms 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem DAEbonyBlade 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem DAMephalaDalviluDagger 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem DAMolagBalCursedMace 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem DAMolagBalMace 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem Dark05Blade 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem TG01RohssansSword 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem TG05HrormirsIcestaff 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem TG11ElvenLongSword 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem TG11ElvenMace 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem SvenjaBow 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem SilvDagshimmerthorn, 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem SQ10Rockshatter01, 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem SQ10Rockshatter05, 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem SQ10Rockshatter10, 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem SQ10Rockshatter15, 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem SQ10Rockshatter20, 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem SQ10Rockshatter25, 1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveItem Torch02, 99

		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell SE07SaintSpell
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell SEPwSummonGoldenSaint
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell SE07SeducerSpell
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell SEPwSummonDarkSeducer
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell StandardSummonAtronachFlameJourneyman
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell StandardSummonAtronachFrostExpert
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell StandardSummonAtronachStormMaster
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell StandardSummonClannfearExpert
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell StandardSummonDaedrothExpert
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell StandardSummonDremoraJourneyman
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell StandardSummonDremoraLordMaster
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell StandardSummonLichMaster
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell StandardSummonSkeletonApprentice
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell StandardSummonSkeletonChampionExpert
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell StandardSummonSkeletonGuardianJourneyman
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell StandardSummonSkeletonHeroExpert
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell StandardSummonSpiderDaedraExpert
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell StandardSummonWraithFadedExpert
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell StandardSummonWraithGloomMaster
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell StandardSummonXivilaiMaster
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell StandardSummonZombieApprentice
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell StandardSummonZombieHeadlessJourneyman
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell SEStdSummonAtronachFlesh2Apprentice
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell SEStdSummonAtronachFlesh3Journeyman
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell SEStdSummonAtronachFlesh4Expert
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell SEStdSummonAtronachFlesh5Master
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell SEStdSummonHunger2Apprentice
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell SEStdSummonHunger3Journeyman
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell SEStdSummonHunger4Expert
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell SEStdSummonHunger5Master
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell SEStdSummonShambles3Journeyman
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell SEStdSummonShambles4Expert
		SE11DopplegangerRef.RemoveSpell SEStdSummonShambles5Master

		;Sets doppleganger combat style
		SE11DopplegangerRef.SetCombatStyle SE11DopplegangerCombatStyle

		;Removes doppleganger from all guilds
		SE11DopplegangerRef.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, -1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.SetFactionRank ThievesGuild, -1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.SetFactionRank Beggars, -1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.SetFactionRank ICWaterFrontResident, -1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, -1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.SetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood, -1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.SetFactionRank DarkPlayer, -1
		SE11DopplegangerRef.SetFactionRank EvilSolo, 0

		;blocks the script from running twice
		set doOnce to 1

;Sets stage when player enters cell

	if ( player.GetInCell XPMilchar03 == 1 ) && ( getStageDone SE11 150 == 0 )
		SetStage SE11 150

	if ( SE11DopplegangerRef.getDead == 1 ) && ( getStageDone SE11 160 == 0 )
		setstage SE11 160
		SE11DopplegangerRef.pme strp
		SE11DopplegangerRef.setdestroyed 1

	if ( GetStageDone SE11 155 == 0 )
		if ( Player.GetDistance SE11bStandingStoneRef < 500 )
			;sets standing stone to active state
			set StandingStoneActivate to 1
			set timer to 12

			;sets quest stage
			setstage SE11 155

;This block is run when the player activates the standing stone

		if ( StandingStoneActivate == 1 )
			if ( timer >= -1 ) 
				set timer to timer - GetSecondsPassed

			if ( timer < 11 ) &&  ( tick == 0 )
				SE11CloneFXREF.PlayGroup forward 1
				set Tick to 1
			elseif ( timer < 5 ) &&  ( tick == 1 )
				SE11DopplegangerRef.addScriptPackage SE11DopplegangerArrivePackage
				SE11DopplegangerRef.additem SE11AnimObject 1
				set Tick to 2				
			elseif ( timer < 3 ) &&  ( tick == 2 )

				;Adds and equips the doppleganger's sword
				if ( PrefersBlade == 1 )
					SE11DopplegangerRef.AddItem SE11LLDoppleGangerSword 1
					SE11DopplegangerRef.UnequipItem Torch02, 1

					if ( SE11DopplegangerRef.GetItemCount SE11ShadowBlade01 >= 1 )
						SE11DopplegangerRef.EquipItem SE11ShadowBlade01
						setAlert 1
					elseif ( SE11DopplegangerRef.GetItemCount SE11ShadowBlade05 >= 1 )
						SE11DopplegangerRef.EquipItem SE11ShadowBlade05 
						setAlert 1
					elseif ( SE11DopplegangerRef.GetItemCount SE11ShadowBlade10 >= 1 )
						SE11DopplegangerRef.EquipItem SE11ShadowBlade10 
						setAlert 1
					elseif ( SE11DopplegangerRef.GetItemCount SE11ShadowBlade15 >= 1 )
						SE11DopplegangerRef.EquipItem SE11ShadowBlade15 
						setAlert 1
					elseif ( SE11DopplegangerRef.GetItemCount SE11ShadowBlade20 >= 1 )
						SE11DopplegangerRef.EquipItem SE11ShadowBlade20 	
						setAlert 1
					elseif ( SE11DopplegangerRef.GetItemCount SE11ShadowBlade25 >= 1 )
						SE11DopplegangerRef.EquipItem SE11ShadowBlade25 	
						setAlert 1
					elseif ( SE11DopplegangerRef.GetItemCount SE11ShadowBlade30 >= 1 )
						SE11DopplegangerRef.EquipItem SE11ShadowBlade30 	
						setAlert 1

				if ( PrefersBlunt == 1 )
					SE11DopplegangerRef.AddItem SE11LLDoppleGangerAxe 1
					SE11DopplegangerRef.UnequipItem Torch02, 1

					if ( SE11DopplegangerRef.GetItemCount SE11ShadowAxe01 >= 1 )
						SE11DopplegangerRef.EquipItem SE11ShadowAxe01
						setAlert 1
					elseif ( SE11DopplegangerRef.GetItemCount SE11ShadowAxe05 >= 1 )
						SE11DopplegangerRef.EquipItem SE11ShadowAxe05 
						setAlert 1
					elseif ( SE11DopplegangerRef.GetItemCount SE11ShadowAxe10 >= 1 )
						SE11DopplegangerRef.EquipItem SE11ShadowAxe10 
						setAlert 1
					elseif ( SE11DopplegangerRef.GetItemCount SE11ShadowAxe15 >= 1 )
						SE11DopplegangerRef.EquipItem SE11ShadowAxe15 
						setAlert 1
					elseif ( SE11DopplegangerRef.GetItemCount SE11ShadowAxe20 >= 1 )
						SE11DopplegangerRef.EquipItem SE11ShadowAxe20 
						setAlert 1
					elseif ( SE11DopplegangerRef.GetItemCount SE11ShadowAxe25 >= 1 )
						SE11DopplegangerRef.EquipItem SE11ShadowAxe25 
						setAlert 1
					elseif ( SE11DopplegangerRef.GetItemCount SE11ShadowAxe30 >= 1 )
						SE11DopplegangerRef.EquipItem SE11ShadowAxe30 
						setAlert 1

				;moves doppleganger to grove area
				SE11DopplegangerRef.UnequipItem Torch02, 1
				SE11DopplegangerRef.moveto SE11bDopplegangerMarker
				set Tick to 3	

			elseif ( timer < 2 ) &&  ( tick == 3 )
				set Tick to 4			

			elseif ( timer <= 0 ) &&  ( tick == 4 )

				;forces doppleganger to attack the player
				SE11DopplegangerRef.startcombat player
				SE11DopplegangerRef.moddisposition player -200

				;sets standing stone to inactive state
				set StandingStoneActivate to 0
				setDestroyed 1
				set Tick to -1

BEGIN OnActivate

	if ( GetStageDone SE11 155 == 0 )
		if ( isactionRef Player == 1 )
			;sets standing stone to active state
			set StandingStoneActivate to 1
			set timer to 12

			;sets quest stage
			setstage SE11 155




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I can't help you with the Papyrus scripting, because I'm still as unable to go on modding Oblivion or buy and even play Skyrim to begin with due to a massive lack of freetime as I was when it was first released 11/11/11, but I can help you de-complexify this oh-so-scary script you posted and the magic behind the doppelganger effect used in Shivering Isles back then,

...oh and also for the famous Bruma Statue, in case you didn't know it was exactly the same thing as well but without doppelganger specialeffects and rendered immobile.


If you take a look at what this script does and all the remarks given within, the whole magic easily boils down to one single function call, CreateFullActorCopy, and everything else is just either specialeffects, for sake of making the quest encounter more interesting, or undoing most of the stuff this incredibly powerful Vanilla game function did, as well as fixing most of the few documented inevitable drawbacks.


In fact "player.CreateFullActorCopy" on its own does already create an exact doppelganger of the player. Everything else in this script is just... cosmetics, more or less.


So, if there is a similar function to CreateFullActorCopy available in Papyrus as well, you're already set and good to go right away. Your doppelganger can already be created.

The few cosmetics to create the appearance of a magic effect, or give the doppelganger some useful traits afterwards, I'm sure you'll be able to add in yourself without much trouble later then.

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Awesome well this is good starting point, I might be able to swap this command with a line in a similar vanilla papyrus then :D


Looking it and the unique effects nif used I assumed it was mostly aesthetic and didn't notice this command, neither would I have assumed it would work in skyrim papyrus. I'll play around with this then shouldn't be difficult if do it right, thanks!


Edit: Shite. Selecting the papyrus script manager crashes my CK...typical.

Edit: Fixed :)

Edited by Ironman5000
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OK I have this but doesn't compile, not surprised as I said my skills n this area suck. Don't suppose this can be fixed?



Scriptname I5KDoppelgangerScript extends activemagiceffect  

Event OnEffectStart(Actor caster, actor target)








Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...

Compiling "I5KDoppelgangerScript"...

c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\I5KDoppelgangerScript.psc(5,0): variable Player is undefined

c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\I5KDoppelgangerScript.psc(5,7): none is not a known user-defined type

No output generated for I5KDoppelgangerScript, compilation failed.


Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.

Failed on I5KDoppelgangerScript

EDIT: Had a look around and found what was supposedly a more correct template

Scriptname I5KDoppelgangerScript extends activemagiceffect

ActorBase property player auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor caster, actor target)
	Game.GetPlayer().CreateFullActorCopy (player,1)




Which gave an output stating "CreateFullActorCopy is not a function or does not exist"


Edited by Ironman5000
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Try this instead



Scriptname I5KDoppelgangerScript extends activemagiceffect

Actor Property PlayerRef Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor caster, actor target)
	ActorBase Player = PlayerRef.GetBaseObject() as ActorBase



There is no such command as CreateFullActorCopy. But by using PlaceActorAtMe you can spawn an actor that uses the same actorbase as the player. You may need additional scripting to change initial inventory, but that should create an actor near the player that looks like the player.

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Try this instead



Scriptname I5KDoppelgangerScript extends activemagiceffect

Actor Property PlayerRef Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor caster, actor target)
	ActorBase Player = PlayerRef.GetBaseObject() as ActorBase



There is no such command as CreateFullActorCopy. But by using PlaceActorAtMe you can spawn an actor that uses the same actorbase as the player. You may need additional scripting to change initial inventory, but that should create an actor near the player that looks like the player.

Thanks Ishara, well this one did compile but using it as a spell doesn't seem to be working. I might have missed something but I can't see what, I edited a vanilla summon magic effect, adding this as a new script, changed archetype to script. I changed nothing else and made a spell out of it but when it casts nothing happens apart form the Imod, which I am guessing might be because of a missing an associated item...unless this script negates the need for one? But there is no assoc. item to choose from.


I tried again, opening the script properties and changing the ref cell to any and the ref to player but didn't change anything

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