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Different Style Leveling Mod


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This is really a couple separate but similar ideas for allowing you to increase your characters abilities further without messing with the leveling system.


I know there are a lot of level cap mods out there, but it seems like too much coding and a lot of workarounds. Well instead of adding more levels, adding invisible skill points, and changing menus, how about you add content (items, npcs, quests) that only become available after hitting level 20.


For example, you hit level 20, darnit, SPOILER

might as well head over to your dads biggest mistake and melt yourself to the purifiers floor

but wait there's more. When you hit level 20, Holy Brahmin! A radio transmission from GNR what's that now? Moira/Amata/3dog/BoS left a note in your house and wants you to write an autobiography? (or other similar themed endgame quest) Cool, but what do you get out of it? New bobble heads that give you perks you don't have, or skills you haven't maxed out.


Basically when you max out in level, new content opens up that allows your to increase your abilities further instead of worrying about experience, and leveling up. These special rewards will give you bonuses to things such as movement speed, accuracy, damage, abilities beyond what the bobble heads and skill books give you.


I just keep looking at the leveling mods and think there's gotta be a better way to further increase your abilities without toying with the level/skill cap.


To simplify things, is there a way to make a quest that counts how many of a certain type of creature you kill and when you get to a certain amount you can go pick up a reward that will give you a bonus to a skill or attribute without having to go into the leveling screen? Or creates a separate point system from XP that will allow you to raise your abilities without having to level up? For example, you kill something, bam 10pts. You finish a quest, cool 20pts. You find a new location, awesome 5 pts. Sweet you've reach xx amount of points, go to NPC/scripted item that gives you a selection of rewards to choose from like a "Megaton Gym Membership Card" that increases strength by 1 point while held or a cybernetic eye replacement coupon that increases energy weapons by 5. If you receive an item that increases a certain skill more that once it stacks so you know how much the bonus is.


I'm going to try to do this myself but I've never modded before. I think its a great way to keep your game going strong and interesting without stressing about level cap workarounds (of course until someone perfects it or Bethesda raises the cap).

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Well cool, I didn't know about that, maybe I should just hold off until that is released. I've been rl working more often then usual but I'm going to use tomorrow and this weekend to work on a new point system similar to achievements.


I was looking at scripting in the GECK and have been brainstorming, and thought achievements would be a good way to track advancement. BTW, I haven't done much enough research yet, but will be reading into it more tonight. So a lot of this is assumption that need to be verified, either by me or by some generous skilled scripter.


With scripting (hopefully all this is available in the GECK) you can set a condition like (pseudo code btw) "if (lvl == 20) AND if (x amount of creatures) + (x amount of NPCs) = (xx) {give achievement "Level 21!"}" then "if (skill/attribute x) < (max) {+1 to that skill/attribute} (than check next skill/attribute until all that aren't maxed get a +1 or (for slower maxing) until you reach 1 point added to a single attribute and say 5 points have been added to skills)"


With the above example, you wouldn't be able to choose what you get point in first. It would go in order from the first non-maxed attribute/skill checked, but you could create the mod to take cater to a specific play style so each esp file would unique, so the ninja.esp would focus on agility and melee for example, and the beefcake.esp would focus on strength and heavy weapons. so you wouldn't get skills above max, but you could max them out without having to find all the skill books or bobble heads. Also with the above idea it would be possible as soon as you hit level 20 you'd immediately level to 21 or even 22, unless it took a note of how many of each things you already have and then add to that like 100 kills/pockets picked.


Then for lvl 22 the code would be similar but add a new condition "if (player has achievement "Level 21!") and (drinks x amt of radiated water) {give achievement "Level 22!"}


Be easily changed if they raised the level cap to 30 and when the new expansion comes out, you could remove the ESP which would remove the achievements (I hope) or you could create an in game achievement uninstaller to wipe those achievements from the record but keep your maxed skills/attributes. But I personally would make it pretty hard to get past say level 24, and maybe only raise an attribute every 2 achievements.


If anyone knows how to create achievements and script things like "if player kills x amt of mutants+molerats+enclave" sort of like an xp counter but more complicated than xp.


Another Idea: I really believe with the scripts already there, we could create a separate leveling system from bethesda's and make it start at level 20. We would just need a script to track a new xp point system. Normally when a character kills a super mutant it gives them (for example) 200 xp, a script would be written to keep a count of xp not added to the players total and when you reach a certain amount instead of leveling and having the leveling menu, you get an achievement that automatically "levels" you based on the unique esp (based on play style) that was used. You could add unique helpful for every play style uber perks that you receive each level above 20. Like 10% overall damage increase, or uber critical hits.


I'm going to attempt to make this, but the request still stands for someone who is more skilled and has more time than me. And I do not care if you give me credit or anything, but it would be nice. Also if a mod thinks this is no longer just a request move it if you deem so.


BTW I spent a good amount of time brainstorming, but I'm sure that others have better or equally good ideas, so don't be afraid to tell me I'm dead wrong or this is a bad idea, but your idea is better kinda thing.


PS I think I would call this mod "A.L.S." for "Achievement Leveling System"


Edit: I just read about the Achievement Remover mod and how O:A and Pitt are CTD w/o XLive. If achievements are removed then that would kinda kill my whole idea, guess I'll have to find a different idea.

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