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"Looks like we have a few new residents," I say to pwned while gesturing towards HangaDog and Amernia. "We had some action with the enclave. Had to destroy an atomic weapon that they had, that was quite a bang.... Fought our way back here only to find them inside... Made a nice distraction out in the wasteland, cut 'em down with my .50 cal. Came in here through the vents, took 'em out around the armory, rescued HangaDog, and here we are!"
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off: Damn, this topic moves fast! :D


on: I radio to anton: So they have filters? Roger. Than shoot on sight.

Subject, coud you turn the turrets against them?


Oh, and hello Amernia and Hangedog, good to meet new people

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no worries Fenix. we killed all of them. Time to clean this place up. I\\\'ll take care of this part. Flogging take those guys to med. bay. Subject take those power armors and get to the armory. Here the key.




my armor)http://content.foto.mail.ru/mail/antonkr07/1273/i-1274.jpg (looks overpowerd but it has same stats as t 51-b)

our turrets http://content.foto.mail.ru/mail/antonkr07/1273/i-1276.jpg

my big laser rifle. http://content.foto.mail.ru/mail/antonkr07/1273/i-1275.jpg

my sword http://content.foto.mail.ru/mail/antonkr07/1273/i-1277.jpg



anyway if you want to put any pictures of you your gun or anything related to the vault. Do it.

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I use the PA system to announce, "Anyone who is hurt, report to the Medical Bay. If you cannot make it there under your own power, radio me, and I'll come and patch you up there." I then head to the Medical Bay and wait for any casualties to roll in.
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"Right. Doesn't look too bad, but probably a little deeper than you thought," I say. "This may sting a bit." I scrub it clean with some alcohol, dust it with sulfa powder, and suture the skin back together. "Try not to strain it too much. It should knit together in a day or so, and then we can take the stitches out. Here's some pills for any pain." I hand anton a tin of small pills.
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Off: sorry, I have Rootkit virus problem, and I couldn't connect to this site


On:*nods in replied. Then took one step and fall unconscious on the floor, scars a visible on her back, legs, arms, back of the neck*

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Damn. Flogging shes unconscious. I'll bring her to med.


1 min later after i arrive at med bay


is she okay.

anyway i gotta fix the security system and get the vault running. Power is out and we are using emergency lights. I will fix everything. No worries.

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