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i pull out my assault rifle and start firing. a officcer comes up behind me and grabs me round the neck, do i pull out my knife and push it into his stomach. as he lets go holding his stomach i spin and slice his throat. i then get back to shooting the enemies
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"Awe man, I wanted to fire some cruise missiles!" I say dissapointedly over the radio. "Well atleast you're all safe."
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shakes head then says through the radio, "But then I won't get to blow up the enclave base whenever the heck we find it. Which I WILL get to do."




Hmmmm, I wonder if headquarters is still...nah, couldn't be they would have moved it after I escaped and compromised it's security...but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to look.... I think to myself then begin punching in numbers and commands on the computer.

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I lockdown the Vault since it looks like it's going to be awhile and hop on my combatcycle and ride out to the battlefield with my magnum loaded and a Thompson submachine gun from well before the war strapped to the back of the cycle. I pull up, kicking up dirt and then step off. "Hopefully I won't have to stay at base again now that the security system is revamped and I can actually get some (combat) action." I begin sifting through the bodies looking for identification as to what faction they belong to...
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I too begin looting the dead bodies, particularly looking for gauss, and .50 cal rounds. as well as anything else that looks helpful.
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"huh, nothin'" I say aloud finding no ID then begin packing high-grade weapons into the battlewagon and my bike's storage compartments, "The weapons may come in handy though... Hey I'll meet you guys back at the vault, it would seem that we have a power failure...again." I say looking at my watch.


off: my watch is your typical looking dresswatch however it's completely water and bullet proof and beneath the hands of the timepiece is a grid that looks like a random design but is actually a layout of the vault and when sectors lose power they glow orange on my watch, under attack they glow red, under construction, yellow and finally a meeting, green. Presently almost every sector is flashing orange. and the watch is beeping softly.

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