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off:Is it just me or are the "situations" rather short lived and well, anti-climactic?


on: Looking through one the satelite pictures I suddenly see something that I recognize, I shift the view a bit then gasp. on the com i say "Anton, I think you're going to want to take a look at this. I believe I just found enclave headquarters..."

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off: it's not just you. the problem is, the vault is dying, but no one seems to be trying to save it by poisting.


on: I head down to Zephyr's room because I heard him call for anton. Arriving there, I ask, "What's up?"

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Zeph points to a rectangular complex, "Flogging, I give you Enclave Outpost Gamma. This complex holds every experiment from weaponry and armor to biomedical engineering and cloning that the enclave is conducting and believe me there are some awesome tools there, terrible tools, but awesome.
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ooc: im not really into this one, so can someone have something happen that kills my character?


calliton grabs his equipment fromw he he entered, and sits near the entrance, nothing was going to get past him

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off: if the vault's gonna die we could send it off in style like we all go to the outpost and in order to destroy it we have to blow the place but it will kill us all so we sacrafice ourselves for the greater good that'd be a decent way to end it.


"I'm not sure we should head out without anton he'd wanna go."

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